Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger
    What: The two enemies get stuck in detention
    When: Oct 16, 1997. Friday, 4pm.
    Where: Transfiguration classroom.
    Rating: NC-17

    Draco was fuming as he approached McGonagall's classroom. It had been Potter and his cronies that had started the little spat, from his point of view and he had gotten in trouble. The only solace was that that Mudblood Granger had gotten detention too along with a "I'm very disappointed in you, Miss Granger," from the ancient bat. Amusingly, she really hadn't been involved in any of it.

    In his perfectly tailored school slacks and shirt, he wore his cloak and tie. Crabbe and Goyle had walked with him to the classroom but were quickly shooed away by McGonagall as Draco was lead inside to find parchment and quill waiting for him.

    Moving to take a seat, clearly lines was his punishment, he sighed in annoyance. Ploping down, he waited to see what he would need to do. Granger wasn't there yet. She'd better be there, it would be totally unfair for McGonagall to let her out of it…

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