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Monday, September 15th, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Tracey Davis and Sara Moon (Dream) / Tracey Davis and Fleur Delacour
    What: Tracey is desperate and overwhelmed
    When: March 21, 11:59PM
    Where: Sara's dorm room (Daydream) / Fleur's Classroom
    Rating: NC-17

    It had all been a lie. She had been so close to believing Heidi. Tracey had almost been foolish enough to be fooled twice. After leaving the Hufflepuff Locker Room, Tracey had gone to the one person who would know. She had begun nicely, then yealled, then screamed, then threatened until she was sure that the person was genuinely certain that the Delacours had no Veela blood whatsoever.

    Tracy had been made a fool of…

    She had wandered the grounds crying and sobbing. Her arms ached from hugging her body so tightly. Students saw her but no one dared as her what happened. She didn't even care who saw. Tracey was likely going to be expelled after what she had done. Dumbledore was likely looking for her that very moment…

    Tracey had one thing left to do. There was one piece of closure she desperately needed. Time was short. She would get it. She had to…

    It was almost midnight when she arrived back in Slytherin dorm. She had seen Sara's roommates still in the common room. She hid her tear stained face as she made her way to the sixth year girls dorm. Striding past her own room, she arrived at Sara's door.

    She was still in the skirt, fishnets and other Muggle clothes she had worn for Heidi's benefit. Her dark eye make up had run and was a complete mess. Her heart hammered in her chest, unsure if she hoped that Sara would answer the door or not.

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