Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Heidi and Tracey
    What: Heidi's been avoiding Tracey, Tracey wants to know why...
    When: The day after Katie and Heidi's talk
    Where: Hufflepuff Locker room
    Rating: PG-13 for now...

    Even after her chat with Katie, Heidi didn't seek out Tracey. No, the Hufflepuff was still burying herself in quidditch and avoiding the blonde Slytherin. It wasn't that she was a coward, just that...okay, so it was that she was a coward. She couldn't muster the courage to face the inevitable.

    Still unable to find a decent drink, all Heidi could con out of someone was a fourth year boy who knew nothing of Ginny and her hexes who she had charmed into giving her half a bottle of firewhiskey, which she hid in her quidditch locker.

    Which was how she found herself where she was now, alone in the locker rooms (her teammates very rarely practiced outside of the mandatory team practices). She had finished another practice session and had taken a shower. Now she lay on the bench, still damp from her shower in only her red bra and muggle jeans that lay loose and unbuttoned on her hips, her matching knickers peaking out. In one hand she held the bottle, the other rested on her abdomen, tracing the faint lines of her muscles as she stared hazily at the ceiling, thinking of her girlfriend, taking a swig every now and then.

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