Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Heidi and Katie
    What: Heidi doesn't know what to do. She asks Katie for advice.
    When: A few days after Heidi and Ginny's tryst
    Where: Quidditch pitch
    Rating: PG-13

    Heidi had always loved how the wind hit her face and blew past her as she flew high above the ground on her broom. It was one of the reasons she loved Quidditch so much. It let her forget everything. And forgetting everything was what Heidi was trying to do for the moment.

    After Her and Ginny's little fling, she had become so distraught over what to do. What made it worse was she was beginning to feel the effects of sobering up. She had tried to refill her flask, only to discover exactly what Ginny's hex did to the alcohol. Then she had briefly resorted to drinking straight from the bottle, effectively getting punch-drunk. Well, Until Ginny had come and taken away her bottles too. She had tried to get more, but everyone was more afraid of what Ginny would do to them if she found out they had aided Heidi's problem than they were of Heidi.

    So, Heidi did the only other thing she could think of to forget. Avoid Tracey (Heidi couldn't bare to face her at the moment) and bury herself in quidditch. She had been on the pitch almost every free moment she had when it wasn't being used by other houses, practicing privately. WHen it was taken, she focused on working on plays for her team.

    So, here she was, at the quidditch pitch, drowning her problems in the only other thing she could think of.

    Finishing for the day, Heidi landed her broom and began to head to the locker room, wiping the sweat from her brow. She wore a yellow tanktop that stopped just above her bellybutton and light, grey cotton sweatpants that clung to her hips and some old quidditch boots. Her hair was pulled back, with a few strands coming loose and sticking to her face.

    As she came closer to the locker rooms, she spotted a familiar face. A face she hadn't talked to in a while. It's now or never, if you want to keep the friendship... When she was within talking range, she gave a friendly smile to the girl. Well, as friendly as she could muster, giving everything she was dealing with. She hoped to catch up to the girl. "Hey Katie." She shifted, adjusting the broom she held and leaned it against her shoulder. "Long time. Uh, how've you been?"

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