Ame's Weirdness

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Ame's Weirdness
Ame's Weirdness


June 20th, 2010

Flexibility -- Richie/Methos

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Title: Flexibility
Author: [info]amejisuto
Fandom: Highlander The Series
Summary: Richie decides to treat Methos as just an ordinary guy.
Pairing: Richie/Methos
Written for Slashthedrabble back in 2005.
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 500
Beta'd by [info]kitty_poker1

Notes: One of the few HL ficlets I've written. I kinda wish I had gone into this some more, it looked interesting. LOL

Flexibility )

October 13th, 2009

Highlander Master List

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A Kind of Magic -- Buffy TVS/Highlander -- Xander/Methos

Death and Justice -- CSI Miami/Highlander -- Horatio/Methos

Flexibility -- Highlander -- Richie/Methos

A Kind of Magic Master List

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This is my Xander is a Pre-Immortal bunny!verse, with Xander getting together with Methos. After all, Xander got along with Anya who tortured men for a thousand years. He'd probably understand a five thousand year old guy who used to be Death.

There are only two stories in this verse but I still have hopes of writing another. Someday. When my Xander!muse no longer hates me. We'll see. And yes, I'm obsessed with Queen song titles for this verse. Can you blame me?

Breaking Free
The Great Pretender

Death and Justice Horatio Caine/Methos PG13 1/1

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Title: Death and Justice
Author: [info]amejisuto
Fandom: CSI Miami/Highlander: The Series
Pairing: Horatio Caine/ Methos pre-slash
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks: Small mention of different methods of death, but nothing real graphic.
Summary: The Miami team gets a new medical examiner. One who is a bit of an expert on death.
Word Count: 2148
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]vinnebatman. Thank you for pinch betaing love! It's also all her fault that I'm now picturing Horatio as a Mountie. Even if he would look bad in serge.

Notes: I've long wanted to make Methos a CSI. Peter Parker too, but Methos would make a great ballistics tech. Then I watched Bolt Action last week and then a Highlander later than night and squeed at the thought of Methos being an ME for Horatio's team. After all, he'd know a hell of a lot about different ways to kill people and if he wanted to changes lives it would be a radical departure. Who would look for Methos working for the police department? Especially if his relationship with MacLeod didn't work out? So yeah, here it is! Just to let y'all know, I'm opening this up for other writers! So if you get a bunny and want to write it or add more to this, go ahead as long as you credit me for this bit. Enjoy the story!

Death and Justice )

September 18th, 2009

The Great Pretender -- Xander/Methos Rated PG 1/1

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Title: A Kind Of Magic: The Great Pretender
Claim: Xander Harris
Author: [info]amejisuto
Prompt for [info]crossovers100: Hours
Fandom: Buffy tVS/Highlander
Pairing: Xander/Methos
Rating: PG
Disclaimer:Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks: None really.
Summary: Methos considers his new companion during a long flight.
Find all of A Kind of Magic here.
Written for [info]spring_with_xan and posted at my own lj, [info]crossovers100 and [info]highlander_fic.
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]kitty_poker1. Thank you dearest!

Notes: I wanted to do something different and thought it would be nice to get someone's else's pov on Xander. Someone who also hides behind masks the way I think Xander does at times. Who better than the Really Old Guy himself? Hugs to [info]eyezrthewindows for checking my Methos voice. You're a doll!

Oh, this follows Breaking Free, but if you've not read that Xander and Methos met up in a bar in London and are traveling back to the States together.

The Great Pretender )

Breaking Free -- Xander/Methos Rated R 1/1

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Wrote this in 2006. I need to write another fic in this series someday. If only I could find my Xander!muse. Damn it.

Title: A Kind of Magic ~ Breaking Free
Claim: Xander Harris
Author: [info]amejisuto
Prompt: Death
Fandom: Buffy tVS/Highlander
Pairing: Xander/Methos Pre-slash.
Rating: R for language
Disclaimer:Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks: Mention of character deaths.
Summary: A Scooby and an Immortal walk into a bar...
Word Count: 8656
Written for [info]crossovers100 and crossposed to [info]highlander_fic and [info]xander_slash.
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]kitty_poker1. Thank you dearest!

Notes: Sigh. So I had this bunny for a crossover with Xander Harris from Buffy and Methos from Highlander and I couldn't give the thing away. So I had to write it becuase it haunted me all week. Many, many thanks to the wonderful [info]eyezrthewindows for helping me with my Methos muse. I couldn't have done this fic without her. Also extra hugs to my lovely beta Kitty for putting up with yet another of my fandoms, and the wonderful [info]suki_blue for letting me run plot ideas by her.

This takes place pretty much in the present. But, I am a proud member of Clan Denial. EVERYTHING after the Highlander episode The Modern Promethius did NOT happen. Ahriman, O'Rourke, Endgame, all of it. Richie is still around once I get around to it, and so is Connor. MacLeod may brood but he does not need extra-strength prozac. That is, once I get around to them. Right now, it's pretty much Xander and Methos. I really hope y'all enjoy.

Drinking With Death )
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