I'm a little man and I'm also evil also into cats [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
I'm a little man and I'm also evil also into cats

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[May. 20th, 2020|09:30 pm]

WHO: Delilah and Dennis
WHAT: Uh. Keeping her company?
WHEN: Monday, two days after The Wedding
WHERE: Alastair's
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

do you feel the way i do right now? )
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[May. 11th, 2020|11:35 pm]

WHO: Richard and Delilah Selwyn
WHAT: Bonding I guess?
WHEN: Monday, April 20; morning
WHERE: Selwyn family home
RATING | STATUS: Low | In Progress.

home will feel like home again )
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[May. 11th, 2020|11:11 pm]

WHO: Richard and Alastair
WHAT: Almost being a decent father
WHEN: Saturday, midday
WHERE: St. Mungo's
RATING | STATUS: Low | In Progress.

check out this asshole )
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[May. 11th, 2020|07:29 pm]

WHO: Benjy and Tonks
WHAT: Busted
WHEN: 3 days post attack; after visiting with Pilar
WHERE: St. Mungo's, ground floor, Artefact Accidents
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

i'm only human )
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[May. 11th, 2020|06:24 pm]

WHO: Ralestair
WHAT: Not being a secret
WHEN: During the Avery/Rosier wedding reception
WHERE: At the wedding
RATING|STATUS: Low | In progress

i can dance and play the part )
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[May. 11th, 2020|06:18 pm]

[Private: Alastair]
    Can I have a friend over while you're at work?
[Private: Dennis]
    Are you working today?
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[May. 11th, 2020|04:53 pm]

WHO: Delilah Selwyn and Leo Rosier
WHAT: Yay breakdowns
WHEN: During the Avery/Rosier wedding reception, after being kicked out of her house
WHERE: At the wedding
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

i crash and i break down )
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[May. 11th, 2020|04:19 pm]

WHO: Delilah and Richard Selwyn
WHAT: A confrontation
WHEN: During the Avery/Rosier wedding reception
WHERE: At the wedding
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

bang, shots fired )
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[May. 11th, 2020|12:12 am]

WHO: Benjy and Pilar
WHAT: Pilar is not allowed to be hurt but Benjy can, don't question it
WHEN: Tuesday, 3 days after the Quidditch Pitches blew up
WHERE: St. Mungo's, ground floor, Artefact Accidents
RATING|STATUS: Low | In progress

be a good machine )
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[Apr. 9th, 2019|10:03 pm]

WHO: Rook and Arleth Briscoe
WHAT: An interrogation
WHEN: After Rook gets home from this
WHERE: Briscoe residence
RATING|STATUS: Low | In progress
GAME: [info]pitchfell

i've been waiting up )
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[Mar. 26th, 2019|08:54 pm]

Who Alastair & Rook
What Alastair's making a move
Universe Pitchfell

something something witty )
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[Mar. 22nd, 2019|08:52 pm]

WHO: Demetrius Cobb and Grayson and Alastair
WHAT: Check-in
WHEN: 4am
WHERE: Headquarters
RATING|STATUS: Medium | Complete
GAME: [info]pitchfell

got u on my radar )
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[Mar. 16th, 2019|09:32 pm]

Who Alastair, Jeff Bridges, The Gang, & Rook (later)
What A trade gone wrong
Where The docks
When Midnight
Game World Pitchfell

I always wondered how far we could go )
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[Jul. 3rd, 2012|04:25 pm]
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So this is...what?
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