The Alley RPG

Upcoming Events

June 12th - Game Opens
June 15th - Mugwumps Perform (The Hideaway)
June 18th - England vs. France (Scotland)
July 1st - Ministry Gala (Avalon Hotel)

(Location of event is in parenthesis. Check Authors for more info on each event.)

September 2010


Posts Tagged: 'character:+lucy+weasley'

Sep. 8th, 2010


RP: Backdated

Date: 5 September, after this
Characters: Aidan Brown and Lucy Weasley
Location: The Burrow
Private/Public: Private
Rating: (most likely PG to PG-13)
Summary: Aidan has a proposition for Lucy.

This week had been chaotic for everyone )

Text: Lucy to Roxanne

Date: September 7
Characters: Lucy Weasley and Roxanne Weasley
Location: via phones
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Tame.
Summary: Lucy checks in with her cousin.

To Roxanne:
How are you?

Sep. 6th, 2010


RP: Ken and Lucy

Date: backdated a couple days - September 4
Characters: Ken and Lucy
Location: Starting at Lucy's flat
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Tame.
Summary: Lucy needs help.

Lucy never thought she'd see the day when she'd be relying on muggle money and technology in any way shape or form.... )

Sep. 5th, 2010


Text: Aidan to Lucy

Date: 5 September
Characters: Aidan Brown and Lucy Weasley
Location: Mobile phones
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Summary: Aidan is worried.

Incoming message! )

Aug. 22nd, 2010



Text: Roxanne to Lucy

To: Lucy

Wher are my gorceris?

Aug. 21st, 2010


RP: Gideon and Lucy

Date: 20 August
Characters: Gideon Summerby and Lucy Weasley
Location: Gideon's flat, Hawthorne Place
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Hard to say - anything can happen!! ;) Currently, tame! Scratch that! VERY NOT WORK SAFE.
Summary: Lucy goes to pick up groceries but nothing seems to go as planned these days

...the truth remained that she would drop everything to help them )

Jul. 30th, 2010


[No Subject]

Date: 30 July, morning
Characters: Roxanne and Lucy
Location: Roxanne's flat
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Tame
Summary: Lucy is being a good cousin and following her grandmother's orders.

She realized belatedly that she probably should have called first... )

Jul. 20th, 2010


[No Subject]

Date: 20 July
Characters: Lucy and OPEN
Location: Starting at the curse-breaker office and then...? (it could be anywhere!)
Private/Public: Public!
Rating: Tame for now?
Summary: Lucy tries to go to Mexico... and fails.

China, all the way to New York, maybe you got lost in MEXICO )

Jul. 8th, 2010


Owl to Lucy

Date: 8 July
Characters: Aidan Brown and Lucy Weasley
Location: skies via owl beak
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Aidan returns Lucy's voicemail

nothing to see here unless you're lucy )

Jul. 5th, 2010


Voicemail: Lucy to Aidan

Date: 5 July
Characters: Lucy Weasley and Aidan Brown
Location: voicemail
Private/Public: Private (don't be snoopin' in other people's voicemail!)
Rating: PG
Summary: Lucy decides to make good on her promise to "maybe" call Aidan.

Beeeeeep! )

Jun. 17th, 2010


RP: Aidan and Lucy

Date: June 17
Characters: Aidan and Lucy
Location: Diagon Alley, Dei Ricordi Cafe
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Not sure yet, let's go with PG for now.
Summary: A somewhat awkward run-in.

Many girls felt uncomfortable going to restaurants and cafes on their own... )

May. 20th, 2010


