Aillen Sol OOC's Journal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in Aillen Sol OOC's InsaneJournal:

    Thursday, February 14th, 2008
    3:47 am
    GM Question:
    Sanzo has that cute "search" spell for the Sutra that Sydney made for him. Any luck on him finding said Sutra with the spell?
    Sunday, February 3rd, 2008
    12:21 pm
    Er. I'm probably showing my noob-fu at RP here, but... there were only five charms listed, and I'm not sure how that should work. Was it intentional, and the two left should just pick something? Or not intentional, and we should wait?
    Saturday, February 2nd, 2008
    2:57 pm
    Question about posts...
    How are the posts suppose to work? Each person comment to the one before or each person add their own comment to the original post? I've seen it both ways so far and wanted to clarify for myself how it was suppose to be done.
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