02 November 2008 @ 01:18 pm
Stock icons - Sweden  
I've actually been meaning to do this for a while now, and a couple of days ago my muse went into overdrive. It did help that I found some really pretty textures to use by [info]innocent_lexys and [info]tiger_tyger!

Under the cut is twenty stock icons with the theme "Sweden".


Du gamla, du fria, du fjällhöga nord.... )

Stay tuned for the last round in mine and [info]ohfreckle wallpaperbattle. Wonder what show we're doing this week.... hmmm..... ;)
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Mood: accomplished
10 May 2008 @ 08:43 pm
Multi fandom icon post!  
Behind the cut there are some new stuff and some old icontest entries.

It's a mix-match of a lot of stuff:
Queer as Folk (Duh...)
Whedonverse (BtVS/AtS and Firefly)
...and even a couple of stocks.

Blah, blah, blah... just click already! )

Banners I've got lately! :p - this part of the post is just me stroking my deflated ego, feel free to ignore. )