Age of Sail
Fiction, Art, Discussion

User: [info]tigersatthegate
Date: 2008-05-11 12:04
Subject: Posted with Mod Permision: A Historical RPG
Security: Public

Toujours Libérer

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Toujours Libérer is a role-play game based within the French Revolution. It is slash-friendly, focused on the intrigue and passions of the time. Play as any European nationality or an American observer, as a poet, politician or aristocrat. Even a serving maid. Will your character escape France and resettle in England or will they help French aristos to escape? Will they betray their ex-employers or will they risk all to keep them safe?

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User: [info]hms_dauntless
Date: 2008-03-21 12:21
Subject: Icons: 18th century naval Hands
Security: Public

Hello ! I'm a big fan of anything related to the Age of Sail, including history and art (specific predilection for the 18th century), narrative (the Master and Commander series, the Hornblower series, the Temeraire books just to mention a few), films (M&C and HH again, The Curse of the Black Pearl), and fandom (The Curse of the Black Pearl, with an elective focus on the Royal Navy characters).

I've just migrated from LJ and while reposting some of my stuff, I've found a set of icons that I hope might be of interest for the community.

Teasers: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

link to my journal

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Joe Reaves posting in Age of Sail - fiction, art, and discussion
User: [info]featheredwolf
Date: 2008-01-16 01:14
Subject: Intro to Hornblower
Security: Public

[info]painless_j made a post with lots of nice links here

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Joe Reaves posting in Age of Sail - fiction, art, and discussion
User: [info]featheredwolf
Date: 2007-12-31 14:11
Subject: OT Post
Security: Public
Mood:accomplished accomplished
Tags:intro, mod, resources

Since I can't expect people to start posting fic within the first few days (unless any of you have any that you've posted elsewhere and you want to repost here) I'm going to make an OT post to try and start some discussion.

So - introduce yourselves. Tell me a little about who you are and what you're hoping to see here. Tell me what your favourite fandoms are or if you're an AU addict instead and are hoping to see loads of CSIM as pirates or NCIS as pre Civil War era marines. Post any links you think we'd be interested in.

I'll start you all off.

I'm Joe, your mod. I'm British and, despite my name, female. I'm currently hugely addicted to the Temeraire books, but I loved Master and Commander (the film, I haven't read the books), the Horatio Hornblower tv movies, and Pirates of the Caribbean. I love the whole feel of the period, the clothing, the adventures, and of course the way the character interactions differ from today because of rank/class and etiquette. I'm also a total AU whore and I run [info]50alternates where you can write either historical or fantasy AUs. I'm an historian (although this isn't the period I studied) and a geek so I am a huge fan of accuracy. I think research really makes a story set in this period come alive and it drives me insane when I see anachronisms.

I also have a *huge* bookmarks folder so let's find some links -

Ships of the Royal Navy in the Napoleonic period.
American Privateers in the War of 1812.
Measuring Worth a guide to the purchasing power of the British pound since the 13th century (this is really handy when you're trying to figure out roughly what coin Horatio might toss his cab driver as a tip ...)
Measuring Worth - the US dollar version from 1774 onwards.
18th Century British Naval Ranks
America and the Barbary Pirates
Pirates and Privateers - a history of maritime piracy.
Regency England
A History of Smuggling in Britain

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Joe Reaves posting in Age of Sail - fiction, art, and discussion
User: [info]featheredwolf
Date: 2007-12-28 18:50
Subject: Welcome Post
Security: Public
Mood:cold cold
Tags:mod, welcome

Welcome to the Age of Sail asylum. Feel free to introduce yourself here and start posting fiction and art as soon as possible.

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my journal
May 2008