May. 19th, 2016


To: Doctor Stephen Strange
From: Doctor Reed Richards
Timeline: Current. Late in the Evening, Wednesday
Subject: Mysticism and Mathmetics )


To: Tony Stark
From: Reed Richards
Timeline: Current, Late Wednesday
Subject: Words you've been longing to hear me say.. )


To: Susan Storm
From: Reed Richards
Timeline: Current, late Wednesday
Subject: Project nearing completion )

Apr. 27th, 2016


Instagram post )

Apr. 13th, 2016


WHO: Susan Storm and Reed Richards
WHAT: Unexpected date lunch!
WHEN: Today the 13th
WHERE: Baxter Building
RATING: Probably light!

They had a lot of balls in the air, but if anyone could juggle it, it'd be the two of them. )

Mar. 27th, 2016



TO: Reed Richards
FROM: Sue Storm

--- I have an idea.

TO: Johnny

--- So I'm going to need your social skills soon.

Mar. 15th, 2016


To: Dr. Bruce Banner
From: Dr. Reed Richards
Timeline: Tuesday, Noon.
Subject: A way to make the big world smaller )

To: "Ororo Munroe" <>
CC: "Scott Summers" "Jean Grey"
From: Dr. Reed Richards
Timeline: Tuesday, Noon.
Subject: Sincere condolences and an idea )

To: Virgina Potts
From: Dr. Reed Richards
Timeline: Tuesday, Noon
Subject: Regarding Upcoming Projects )

To: Johnny & Susan Storm
From: Reed Richards
Timeline: Tuesday, 4 P.M.
Subject: Long hours in the lab )