May. 23rd, 2016


Astral message:

To: Victor von Doom.
From: Clea.
Timeline: Monday, May 23; the morning.

Hello, my friend. )

May. 12th, 2016



Characters: Clea & Twitter.
NPCs: N/A.
Source: Twitter.
Timeline: May 12, 2016 at 01:35pm.
Description: Clea is introduced to Twitter.
Rating: G.

One Twitter Update. )

Apr. 30th, 2016


Telepathic Message:

To: Clea.
From: Doctor Stephen Strange.
Timeline: Saturday April 30th @ 10pm.

These two idiots though... )

Apr. 3rd, 2016


Thread: Making friends

Characters: Victor von Doom & Clea
NPCs: ---
Location: Doomstadt, Latveria
Timeline: 4/2 (backdated)
Description: Victor von Doom meets with Clea in an attempt to form an allegiance between Latveria and the Dark Dimension
Rating: PG/PG-13

He had accomplished so much in ten years, but he wasn't nearly finished. )

Mar. 29th, 2016


Telepathic Message:

To: Doctor Stephen Strange.
From: Clea.
Timeline: Tuesday, March 29th @ 10pm.

You have a message! )

Mar. 27th, 2016


Letter: You're Invited

Characters: Clea & Victor von Doom
NPCs: Lucia von Bardas
Timeline: 3/27
Description: A letter is sent to Clea's current location, requesting her presence in Latveria.
Rating: G

The festivities are both beautiful and entertaining. You would be our honored guest. )

Mar. 23rd, 2016


Facebook Update:

I've joined the book of faces! Huzzah. I am learning this technology.
5 minutes ago · Like · Comment
View all comments.

Mar. 17th, 2016


[THREAD]: The return to Earth.

Characters: Clea & Doctor Strange.
NPCs: Veritas & various Dark Dimension dwellers.
Location: The Dark Dimension then the Sanctum Sanctorum.
Timeline: Thursday, March 17th; early morning.
Description: Clea leaves the Dark Dimension after learning of Xavier's death to aid those on the Earthly plane.
Rating: PG.

A single message was cast out from the Dark Dimension, laced with powerful magic to reach it's destination... )