After the Bombs; a Post-Battle Harry Potter PSL's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
After the Bombs; a Post-Battle Harry Potter PSL

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There were days when it didn't pay to get out of bed. [26 Jun 2011|03:46pm]
WHO: Angelina Johnson and Percy Weasley.
WHERE: The Ministry of Magic.
WHEN: December 21, 1999.
WHAT: Percy has lost a fight with ghost archivist.  There may be Weasley pouting.  And a complete lack of sympathy from his loving assistant

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[26 Jun 2011|05:21pm]
WHO: Valmae Morgan, Lancelot Troy
WHEN: February 13, 2000.
WHAT: Reporters are evil creatures that should be fed to feral hogs.  At least that's Miss Morgan's opinion on the matter

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