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Sep. 23rd, 2011


The rescue

Who: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter (NPC), Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan
What: Rescuing McGonagall
Where: The lovely town of Chipping Clodbury
When: Friday September 23rd, 2005
Rating: Low-ish
Status: Placeholder

It was finally time. )

Sep. 20th, 2011


Parcel Delivered to Eva Montgomery )

Sep. 12th, 2011


WHO: Eva and George
WHEN: Monday Evening
WHERE: George's flat
WHAT: Consequences and sticks

A lesson apparently being learned the hard way )


WHO: Ron Weasley and Seamus Finnigan
WHEN: Monday, 12th September, morning
WHERE: Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Ministry of Magic
WHAT: Ron and Seamus pull a distract-and-sneak mission to find the file on McGonagall

The men's bathroom on Level 2 was pretty swanky considering most of the wizards that worked for the DMLE were rough-and-ready blokes who'd have been fine with a tree or bush or something. )

Sep. 5th, 2011


Who: Angelina & Adrian
What: Drama
Where: Falcon's stadium
When: Post-practice
Rating: Probably low

Away from all the stress the game brings )

Aug. 29th, 2011


Who: Padma Patil and Adrian Pucey
When: August 29, 2005; Monday evening
Where: Padma's parents/grandparents home in Birmingham
What: BFFling; Padma and Adrian discuss living arrangements they've made
Status: In Progress
Rating: low

in a love affair without a love song )

Aug. 24th, 2011


Owl Delivered to Sofiya Capper-Finnigan at St. Mungos )

Delivered by owl at precisely 6pm )

Owl sent to Captain of his squad )

Aug. 15th, 2011


a little independence. )


Who: Angelina & Adrian
What: Angelina needs to have visual proof he's alive
Where: Padma's parent's!
When: FORWARD DATED to tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon
Rating: Hmmm, medium

She swore she didn't want nothin' from me, now if you ever hear that line boy don't you dare believe )

Aug. 14th, 2011


WHO: Seamus, Assorted other DMLE personnel and... carnage
WHEN: Early Sunday Morning
WHERE: Lavenders Building
WHAT: Fenrir left a mark
RATING: High for previous violence

Things were going to get far worse before they got any better. )

Aug. 13th, 2011


Who: Adrian and Tanner Pucey, Padma Patil
What: Escape, Punishment, Healing, Bonding
Where: Barn in Great Doddington, later Padma's grandparents
When: Saturday, August 13, 2005, early morning
Rating: high for violence
Status: in progress

She realized her wrists were unbound... )

Aug. 12th, 2011


Who: George Weasley and Eva Montgomery
What: The end of a long day
Where: George’s flat, more specifically, his bedroom.
When: Thursday, August 4, 2005, late night
Rating: low; sad
Status: gdocs/complete

and tonight he was hindered by grief he could never swallow. )

Aug. 10th, 2011


Owl to Astoria Greengrass )

Aug. 9th, 2011


Who: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Eva Montgomery
When: Tuesday, 9 August, nighttime
Where: Walking around London/Islington
What: An attempt at being normal.
Status: In-progress
Rating: PG-13 at the highest?

The charity ball had been wonderful and a nice break from everything else that had been happening. Granted, the company definitely helped with that as well as the substances said company brought to help loosen up and the wine at the ball. There had been actual dancing which was getting harder and harder to find sometimes on the charity circuit and the food available had been good. The crowd had been surprisingly younger too, so there hadn't been nearly as many as his parents' friends around to inquire about how he was or to give him the knowing and suspecting looks they did around this time of year.

The night was actually nice and the event not too far from Eva's flat, so they decided to enjoy the open air and walk home with the promise that if Eva's feet started to hurt they could always apparate or hail a cab. He offered an arm to her as they left, feeling more relaxed and comfortable in his skin than he had in a long time, but maybe that was just the drugs talking. "You were as lovely as ever, Ms. Montgomery," he said with a smile. "Even without old men about to inappropriately ogle you."


WHO: Tanner Pucey and Astoria Greengrass
WHERE: Adrian and Astoria’s flat
WHEN: Early evening, August 9th
WHAT: A little B&E to start the evening off
RATING: High for violence and douchey-ness

While Tanner preferred the refined things in life, but a year locked away had taken away those carefully crafted edges and replaced them with nothing more than a desire to wreck vengeance on the one who had put him there. )

Aug. 8th, 2011


WHO Lavender Brown | Dean Thomas | Seamus Finnigan | Susan Bones
WHEN 8/8 | Night
WHERE Muggle Pub
RATING PG? Drinking and debauchery?

It was going to be a good time, she insisted. )

Aug. 7th, 2011


Mailed to Michael's mum's house via muggle post )


Who: Katie Bell and Adrian Pucey
When: Monday, 6 August, 4pm
Where: The Ministry Waiting Room
What: It’s the time of the month for both of them but neither expected an audience.
Status: In-progress
Rating: TBA

The waiting room - as all good waiting rooms were - was a pale shade of green that hovered nicely between puce and three week old vomit. )


WHO: Eva and Rose
WHEN: Sunday Afternoon
WHERE: Steve's house
WHAT: The former and the current girlfriend run-in
RATING: Probably low, unless Eva starts swearing

Should he be out tromping around the stables like that? )

Jul. 30th, 2011


Package sent to George and Natalie early Saturday Morning )

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