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Sep. 15th, 2011


To Emma Dobbs from Oliver Wood )


Who: Emma and George
When: 15 September, lunch
Where: a brilliant curry shop
What: meetings and lunch
Rating: PG-13 for language
Status: threading

Things had been a bit busy in the morning, but Emma had wheedled and offered to take Ashley's Saturday morning shift in order to convince her to handle things properly so Em could still take George out to lunch. At five minutes til noon, she poked her head into his workroom, grinning. "You ready to get out for a bit of lunch? I've got paperwork, but I'm feeding you brill food, so I promise it's worth it to sit through my ideas."


WHO: Romilda Vane, Robbie Stebbins, Leak of doom.
WHEN: Wednesday, 14th September, evening.
WHERE: Romilda's flat, Diagon Alley.
WHAT: Robbie and Romilda team up to battle the leaking ceiling.

It wasn't until there was a leak that a girl realised just how many water receptacles she had )

Sep. 14th, 2011


Who: Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley (NPC) and Natalie Grant (NPC)
When: Thursday, September 15th, 2005.
Where: The Burrow, later afternoon
What: Ginny picks up Natalie for the night and ends up talking to Molly about George
Rating: Low.

Now, Molly said, eyes flicking over to her daughter and giving her a patented Molly Weasley Fixed Look. How's George? )


WHO Daphne Greengrass & Blaise Zabini
WHEN 14 Sept 2005 | afternoon
WHERE Blaise's place

forgive yourself cause I took pictures of everything that you've been missing now I won't feel so bad forget the past and repeat it all I'll take some pictures for myself no you wont feel so bad )


Who: Marcus and Luag
When: 14 September, morning
Where: Luag's flying space
What: flying, what else? Okay, maybe talking about sheep...
Rating: PG-13 for language?
Status: threading

...the less he was thinking about anything else... )

Sep. 13th, 2011


Owl to Millicent Bulstrode )

Sep. 12th, 2011


WHO: Eva and George
WHEN: Monday Evening
WHERE: George's flat
WHAT: Consequences and sticks

A lesson apparently being learned the hard way )


WHO: Ron Weasley and Seamus Finnigan
WHEN: Monday, 12th September, morning
WHERE: Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Ministry of Magic
WHAT: Ron and Seamus pull a distract-and-sneak mission to find the file on McGonagall

The men's bathroom on Level 2 was pretty swanky considering most of the wizards that worked for the DMLE were rough-and-ready blokes who'd have been fine with a tree or bush or something. )


With a bottle of tequila and a skein of yarn

Who: Millicent Bulstrode and Marcus Flint
What: Yarn and tequila
Where: Marcus' manor
When: Monday, September 12th, evening-ish
Rating: High for language, low for content

Desperate times... )


Who: Angelina, Alicia, Katie, Penny
What: Angie has something to tell them!
Where: Appleby, Angelina's flat
When: BACKDATED Friday evening
Rating: AS for Alicia's mouth

but most of all they laughed )

Sep. 11th, 2011


Owl to Bastian Dunstan )


[left on George's desk is a packet of papers, extremely detailed plans, a note, and a picture]


So, are you ready to have wee dragons in the shop?

- Em

the picture )


WHO Lavender Brown | Isaac Montague
WHEN Sept 11 | Morning
WHERE Isaac's flat | Cornwall

She'd been accused of running away too many times )


Happy birthday!

Who: Cho Chang, friends, kids, cake, toys, the kitchen sink. Anyone and everyone.
When: Sunday September 11th, 2005.
Where: Nautica's cottage in Dover.
What: Jian turns three!
Rating: Low.

Birthday fun )

Sep. 10th, 2011


WHO: Bastian Dunstan and Pansy Thorndike
WHEN: Saturday, 10 September, 2005, afternoon
WHERE: Fenton Tower, near Edinburgh
WHAT: Bastian steals Pansy away for the week-end
RATING: likely pg because they are very proper except for Bastian’s confusion where he might try to grope her
Status: Started in gdoc, continued in the thread.

There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.  )


WHO: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley
WHEN: Thursday, 8 September, evening (backdated!)
WHERE: Hermione’s flat
WHAT: Curry, talk, affectionate bickering
RATING: Low (maybe some swearing, Ronald)

As Thursdays went, this had not been a showcase day. )



WHO Daphne Greengrass & Jamie Derrick
WHEN Thur. 8 Sept 2005 | late afternoon
WHERE Derrick's place in South Kensington

And now my heart stumbles on things I don't know, this weakness I feel I must finally show. Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all, but lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall. )


WHO Millicent Bulstrode & Estelle Montgomery
WHEN 10 Sept 2005
WHERE Somewhere for Drinks

Chaser of fate pray I could replace her. Forget the way her tears taste. Oh, the way her tears taste )

Sep. 9th, 2011


WHO Nautica Moon | Miles Bletchley
WHEN Sept 9 | Around 8
WHERE Kent, Nautica's cottage

Date Not Date )

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