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December 20th, 2014

[info]lilyseyes in [info]adventdrabbles

Dec 20, Harry Potter, Severus/Harry, Yule Traditions

Title: Yule Traditions
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating :PG-13
Word Count: 100 x 3
Challenge: #20 / Christmas Candles
Warnings: * Post-War AU, Snape is Headmaster, implied Mpreg*
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Summary: Headmaster Snape is happy and content in the aftermath of the Second War. Part of the Headmaster Series.

Yule Traditions

[info]digthewriter in [info]adventdrabbles

Day20. Harry Potter. Harry/Draco. Determined Draco XI

Title: Determined Draco XI
Author: [info]digthewriter
Word Count: 240
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Stupid Draco is stupid
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Continuation of Determined Draco Series

Determined Draco XI )

[info]torino10154 in [info]adventdrabbles


Here's the summary of entries we got for December 19th. Do check them out and then give the authors and artists some love. ♥

Harry Potter:
Outing Harry, Severus, Draco by [info]agneskamilla
Interrupted Plans Severus/Harry by [info]rycolfan
Photogenic Severus/Harry by [info]lilyseyes
Determined Draco X Harry/Draco by [info]digthewriter
Seeing Minerva Minerva/Augusta, Neville/Hannah by [info]alisanne
Open Negotiations. Harry, Severus by [info]pekeleke
Christmas Selfie Harry/Draco by [info]enchanted_jae

Something Special. Loki/Tony by [info]teofse

Let us know if there are any omissions or errors. Thanks!

[info]alisanne in [info]adventdrabbles

Dec19, Harry Potter, Severus/Harry, The Family Portrait

Title: The Family Portrait
Author: [info]alisanne
Word count: 275
Rating: PG
Characters/pairings: Severus Snape/Harry Potter.
Challenge: Written for [info]adventdrabbles' prompt #19: Christmas card portrait.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
Betas: [info]sevfan and [info]emynn
Authors Notes: Harry provides motivation to keep up a family tradition.

Read The Family Portrait on LJ/IJ/DW.

[info]enchanted_jae in [info]adventdrabbles

Day20, Harry Potter, Draco/Harry, Less Tell, More Show

Title: Less Tell, More Show
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 185
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
Holiday Dove Drabbles #122 - You are a shining star for [info]idikehaine
AdventDrabbles #20 - Christmas candles
[info]dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2014 #20 - Candle
[info]slythindor100 25 Days of Draco and Harry Early Bird #20:
Summary: Draco doesn't need enhancement.

Less Tell, More Show

[info]alisanne in [info]adventdrabbles

Prompt 21, 2014

Our twenty-first prompt comes from [info]torino10154, and [info]elfflame and is most appropriate to the day. ;) Thank you, dears!

      12 18 22      
    15 20 17 09 05    
  03 19 23 13 01 11 07  
04 16 21 08 02 24 10 14 06

Or click here if the link doesn't work )

We are loving the prompt suggestions, but we're greedy, we always want more! So, if you have ideas, drop me a note HERE with suggestions.

[info]alisanne in [info]adventdrabbles

Dec20, Harry Potter, Severus/Harry, Establishing Traditions

Title: Establishing Traditions
Author: [info]alisanne
Pairing/Characters: Severus Snape/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger.
Rating: PG
Challenge: Written for [info]snape100's prompt #565: Snapean Holiday Food, and for [info]adventdrabbles's prompt #20: Christmas Candle.
Word Count: 100 x 6
Warnings: None
Beta(s): [info]sevfan and [info]emynn.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Establishing Traditions on LJ/IJ/DW.

[info]teofse in [info]adventdrabbles

Embracing Sentiment.

Title: Embracing Sentiment.
Author: Teofse
Fandom: MCU
Pairing: Loki/Tony
Characters: Loki, Tony Stark
Rating: R.
Word count: 811
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Marvel (both comics and movies). No money is being made out of this work.
A/N: Unbetaed. Post Avengers AU, disregards Iron Man 3 and Thor: TDW. This is the next installment of my adventdrabbles 2014 series No Time For Sentiment. Prompt 20: Christmas candles.
Summary: “You're thinking too much, snowflake. This is something no one can teach you, you have to go with your heart.”

Embracing Sentiment.

[info]lilyseyes in [info]adventdrabbles

Winter Solstice

Title: Winter Solstice
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating :PG
Pairing: Severus Snape & Harry Potter
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Word Count: 100 x 7
Prompt:[info]adventdrabbles #21 / Winter Solstice & [info]snape100 #565: "Snapean Holiday Food"
Warnings: *AU, Harry rescued from the Dursleys, implied past child abuse, Harry is seven-years-old, *
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Summary: Harry's second Christmas with Severus, who may just be getting a handle on this parenting thing. Little Harry series.

Winter Solstice