December 8th, 2007

[info]never_conform in [info]addme30_and_up

Friend me (if you dare ;) )

Here for the same reason as all of you, to meet some IJ peeps that are over the age of 14. ;P I'm all for having friends of varying ages, but aside from MCR band member we think is cutest, what are we really going to talk about? Ok, that's an unfair assessment, but I think you all dig my sentiment.

This has been a year of changes for me. We lost our 14 yr old dog, then 3 weeks later we lost our 17 yr old cat. I quit smoking in June. Cold turkey. Really, the absolute only way to go IMO. I actually don't feel like a smoker anymore. I guess it's something about declaring yourself done. I do know that like any true addiction, even a puff would be enough to put me back on the pack a day habit. Oddly, I have almost no cravings. I say almost because though I can hang out back with the smokers at family gatherings without one bit of desire for that puff, the introduction of alcohol changes things. And then there's any time I see Johnny Depp with a cigarette in his mouth. Or maybe that's just that I'd like to BE the cigarette. ;)

Less than a month after ridding my body of cigarettes I decided to more drastically cut down on my meat consumption. Well, one day of not eating any led to two days, and then three, and then a week had gone by, and another week. That was nearly six months ago. I'm content with not having meat in my diet, and also very satisfied as well. My initial cause had been both environmental and health (I'd never intended to give up fish), but has evolved into something ethical as well. Now I cannot see myself eating meat again, not even fish (healthy as I know that to be), and am seriously contemplating veganism. Just not certain I'm ready for that yet.

ok wow... really had not intended such a long rambling intro. I'm Linda, I'm 44, so even most of you are like kiddoes to me ;), and some of my interests are listed in my bio. I look forward to meeting you all!

December 2020

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