Record of Lodoss War

July 27th, 2007

The Accursed Island


July 27th, 2007

Open for SRS BIZNEZ. Or maybe just fun.

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I can't help it. I know the fandom's all but dead, and it's a stereotypical D&D adventure party plot hardcore, but... I like it. And we needed at least one comm for the series here. Respresent.

More to follow.

Hey there!

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When I saw there was a Lodoss asylum up and running, I had to rush out and join it :) I've been a fan of the series since I was a little girl and [info]dwokimmortalus showed it to me. During the time I was introduced to it, I was barely online so I missed all the good stuff regarding the series.

Now I catch up by trying to find random pieces that survive on long forgotten geocities websites and things like that. I'm sorely disappointed that the series is 'dead', but hope something new will come along to spark it. Director's Version, anyone? *hopeful*

I'm working on a batch of Lodoss icons to post with sometime in the future. I've made a few simple Lodoss Island ones back in the day (I get a kick out of it, okay? XD) but there just isn't enough icons to go around. Have you made some? Share please!

Any ways yeah... that's it for my slight introduction post 8D We'll be seeing you!
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