Dec. 20th, 2012


Characters: Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang
Setting: Flying Club, backdated to Saturday 15/12
Summary: Cedric asks Cho to the Yule Ball. I wonder what she'll say...
Status: Complete


Read more... )

Nov. 15th, 2012


Characters: Cedric Diggory & Cho Chang
Setting: Thursday, around lunchtime.
Summary: Cedric gets waylaid by some fans.
Status: Complete

By now everyone and their owl had read the Prophet article and made their feelings known to Cedric. He appreciated all the outrage, the pledges of support, and even the sympathy...up to a point. )

Oct. 31st, 2012


Characters: Cedric Diggory & Cho Chang
Setting: Flying Club, on the Quidditch Pitch, Saturday October 20th (backdated)
Summary: Friendly chatting between two former Seekers
Status: Complete

Honestly, it was probably a good thing that there was no Quidditch during Cho’s O.W.L. year. )