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Dreamers, Writers, and Readers

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YALLSTAYHOME [04.20.2020]

hey everyone! i don't know if you're aware of YALLWEST, it's an offshoot of YALLFEST and a young adult book festival that also helps underschool schools in los angeles county.

this year, they cancelled the festival (for obvious reasons) and are hosting all of the panels online. there are a few that look really interesting and i thought i would share with y'all!!

april 25-26


I'm behind on these, but here are [info]karin's 2020 reading challenges in case anyone else is behind, too! Time to get my quarantine read on...

Like we did last year, post your recommendations in the comments!
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hiii people who love books, i'm doing a piece of uni coursework that involves a survey about books! if you could take it, that would be AWESOME. it should take like, a minute. it's here!


Does anyone know how I can access books in another language through Amazon Kindle or Google Play? I'm teaching myself Scottish and want to use a book for the 'book in another language' prompt.


Hi everyone! For those of you who were interested in our ANIMORPHS RE-READ or didn't hear about it before but want to now, the link is here that the awesome [info]fjords set up. She also is incredible and set up the calendar for all the books and discussion board. QUEEN. We will be starting January 1st. Don't feel bad if you can't read them on our schedule, you can always come back to the discussion when you get around to it and we'll be there!


Hey guys! I made a post in my journal asking for input for next year's bingo cards. If you have opinions comment and I'll try to incorporate as much as I can into next year's cards.



GOODREADS WINNERS ARE OUT! 9 of my picks won wooooooo! ALso if anyone is interested in the Popsugar 2020 challenge, someone put together a helpful spreadsheet here.


Update that THE FINAL ROUND OF BEST BOOKS OF 2019 ON GOODREADS IS UP! Voting goes until December 2nd if you'd like to get your last ones in. :) Winners will be announced December 10th!



the popsugar reading challenge for 2020 is live! you can see it HERE! a handful of the prompts relate to the olympics, and others involve 'twenty' somehow. there's one for a trans or nonbinary author, and i've already discovered an author i didn't even know was trans that i've already read, which is cool! there are definitely going to be a few challenges for me - i'm not a big medical thriller fan, and i haven't found any books that really grab me for a book about or involving social media, or a book with 'gold' 'silver' or 'bronze' in the title, but it's early days still. i usually spend time looking through the goodreads group (here if you're not already a member) for ideas, and i just found out they have a facebook group too (that's here!).

is anyone else going to try this one? wanna chat about ideas for prompts? I AM HERE TO BRAINSTORM :D

and on another note, did anyone else do the 2019 challenge?
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Double post time but GOODREADS BEST BOOKS OF 2019 FIRST ROUND IS UP EVERYONE!. So I tend to vote for things regardless of reading them which makes me mean but also I like to vote for either writers I already love to support them OR I check to see female writers, POC writers, and specifically WOC authors and give them my support. If there are several in a category I'll go see what my friends said about each book.

My votes! )
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