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Abbott Academy

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REMOVE/ADD 14 [13 Sep 2005|05:06pm]

Rest in peace, Ace.

Name Ace Cliffs
Journal [info]ace
Play By Eminem
AIM Ace Says No
Grade 12

Name Jada Martin
Journal [info]jadamartin
Play By Mya
AIM jadaisashorty
Grade 11

Name Nicole “Nicky� McGuire
Journal [info]mcguire
Play By Brie Larson
AIM nicky not nicole
Grade 10

Name Morgan Firestone
Journal [info]morgan
Play By Katie Holmes
AIM morgan roxors
Grade 12

Name Fox Freeman
Journal [info]fckfox
Play By Jason Schwartzman
AIM Fck the Fox
Grade 12

Name Bryan Gray
Journal [info]bryangray
Play By Chris Lowell
AIM bore me bryan
Grade 10


Name Brite Schibetta
Journal [info]brite
Play By Jac Vanek
AIM ew at brite
Grade Senior, 12

Name Tessa Renaldi
Journal [info]tessa
Play By Evan Rachel Wood
Grade Junior, 11

Name Devon Tide
Journal [info]devontide
Play By Brandon/Original
AIM omfg dev is on
Grade Senior, 12

Name Gunner Veron
Journal [info]gunnerveron
Play By Rich Dickerson
AIM Gun the Gunner
Grade Senior, 12

Name Arianna Olivette Lapeen
Journal [info]arianna
Play By Kirsten Dunst
AIM move it arianna
Grade Junior, 11

*Please go to [info]abbott_mods for the add/remove button that Amy created. It’s easy to use so use it!


*We could always use more guys. And if you guys want to apply with a lesbian, go for it! We also have waaaay too many seniors and juniors so please try to apply with freshmen and sophomores. Thank you!

*Ace Cliffs is dead and Vanessa DiCarlo is comatose. Write about those events! Keep in mind, we’re trying to keep this realistic so in Abbott world, there have been news reporters and police combing the campus and interrogating students. And yes, the security at the academy is le suck.
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