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Abbott Academy

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REMOVE/ADD 12 [02 Sep 2005|08:37pm]

Wow, no removals this time around. Great job guys!


Name Morgan Firestone
Journal [info]morgan
Play By Katie Holmes
AIM morgan roxors
Grade Senior, 12

Name Seth Weinstein
Journal [info]seth_
Play By Shia LaBeouf
AIM superseth w111
Grade Freshman, 9

Name Fox Freeman
Journal [info]fckfox
Play By Jason Schwartzman
AIM Fck The Fox
Grade Senior, 12

*Please go to [info]abbott_mods for the add/remove button that Amy created. It’s easy to use so use it!


*Freshmen are needed. We could always use more guys and diversity.

*Remember to sign up for Abbott sports and clubs! Go to [info]abbott_mods for more information.
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[ viewing | September 2nd, 2005 ]
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