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Abbott Academy

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REMOVE/ADD 4 [06 Aug 2005|09:10pm]

Name Holden Phoenix
Journal [info]holden_up
Play By Howie Day
AIM Holden up
Grade 11

Name Tyler Hilton
Journal [info]christian_m
Play By Tyler Hilton
AIM christian m says
Grade 11


Name Wes Williams
Journal [info]wes_williams
Play By Usher Raymond
AIM chillin wes
Grade Junior, 11

Name Zeke Tyler
Journal [info]zeke
Play By Josh Hartnett
AIM buy from zeke
Grade Senior, 12

Name Adam Hunter
Journal [info]adam_hunter
Play By Bryan Greenberg
AIM score like adam
Grade Senior, 12

*Please go to [info]abbott_mods for the add/remove button that Amy created. It’s easy to use so use it!


* Thank you to everyone who applied with a male applicant! Keep them coming, you know the request by heart now: Abbott Academy is in dire need of males and diversity (namely ethnic). If you choose to apply, please consider this!

*If you haven’t so yet, please check [info]abbott_mods if your characters are interested in Abbott Academy sports and clubs!

*Yearbook has met and decided on the theme: The 80’s! We’ll keep you posted in the coming weeks with other info. For now, choose an icon for your character(s) that you would like to be their yearbook picture and look out for the post requesting them.

*Student Council should meet and discuss the possibility of an Abbott dance.
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