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Abbott Academy

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REMOVE/ADD 3 [02 Aug 2005|06:07pm]

Name Penny Simon
Journal [info]penny
Play By Emilie De Ravin
AIM Pick a Penny up
Grade 11

Name Lana Thompson
Journal [info]lana
Play By Sherri Dupree
AIM lala like lana
Grade 11


Name Cara Kelly
Journal [info]cara
Play By Sherri Dupree
AIM as told by cara
Grade Junior, 11

Name Amber Thompson
Journal [info]amberhaze
Play By Stacey Dupree
AIM Amber Dreamz
Grade Freshman, 9

Name Jude Deveraux
Journal [info]jude_deveraux
Play By Tyson Ritter
AIM be obscure jude
Grade Sophomore, 10

Name Connor Preston
Journal [info]connorpreston
Play By Justin Chatwin
AIM Cinematic Connor
Grade Senior, 12


* Same old reminder: Abbott Academy is in dire need of males and diversity (namely ethnic). If you choose to apply, please consider this!

*There is now a limit on preexisting connections when it comes to family. Please do not have familial connections (brothers, sisters, cousins…etc) when you apply with new characters. This limit does not extend to friendships.

*If you haven’t so yet, please check [info]abbott_mods if your characters are interested in Abbott Academy sports and clubs! Those already in the sports and clubs, meet up with your fellow participants to discuss officers, positions, storylines and whatnot. Have fun, create chatrooms!

*To make it easier on the new folks, does anyone out there know the code to upload an entire friends list? We also need someone who has all the AIM screenames so that we can give it to the new folks. Leave a comment, let us know!
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