After The Battle

September 2012


Posts Tagged: 'elle+jones'

Sep. 13th, 2012


Who: Agent Elle Jones and Agent Phil Coulson
What: Coulson is recovering in Elle's home
When: One week after his release from hospital. (September)

Recovery was taking a while as far as Phil Coulson was concerned. )

Aug. 20th, 2012


Between Elle Jones and Phil Coulson

It had been a month since Agent Coulson had woken up. Four long, long weeks that consisted of him pushing himself too far in physical therapy and ending up being drugged to sleep because he was in too much pain. Elle continually reminded him that he'd had organs replaced and that he needed to calm down and take little steps, but did Phil actually listen to her? No. After all, what did she know? She was only another agent who happened to have the same clearance level he did. Who was watching over him. Who was pretending to be his wife, for God's sake.

Elle had gotten to the point that she would simply roll her eyes and give him that sigh that said, "you idiot, you're going to end up in bed for another three days." She was beginning to think they should have taken him to Germany; the nurses there were far more strict. The nurses at this hospital were too polite, and too happy to see him awake that they nearly let him get away with anything. She had stopped the contraband they'd tried to sneak in for him, at least, but she had a feeling if she let herself sleep for even a minute he'd sneak out and go to ground.

So she stood at the end of his bed and glared at him, voice firm, "you have got to slow it down, Greg." The, 'or I will make you' was heavily implied in her tone.

Aug. 17th, 2012


Who: Agent Elle Jones and Agent Phil Coulson
When: 4 months after the events of The Avengers
Where: London, England
What: Agent Jones is the new Supernanny.

Hospitals suck. )