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Finally [05 May 2005|06:46pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Love & Rockets - No Big Deal ]

I joined the asylum a week or so ago, but due to moving couldn’t post – but YAY, I dug up some pics of my piercing’s. I have 6 in my left ear, though it used to be 7, I’m going to add about four more. I have 4 in my right ear. My nose is also pierced on the right side along the nostril – my breast are adorned on surgical steel captives ( I :heart: captives. I’ve considered getting another set going across the existing ones, though I’m a wee bit unsure (my nipples may be too small) =S

Pic of my tattoo, I got this one in Sweden during my second visit to see my Valentine (who I’m now living with) It was done by a polish guy named Jancoo who used to work with Germans before but thought that working with them was too harsh, lol

My nipple piercing

Study of Sadie with tongue piercing

. . .

2 Say your WRONG! _♥_ And you think Im strange?!?

[04 May 2005|07:20pm]

I know this got off to a slow start. Im sorry. Members wernt excatly flowing in. Please, if you are a member, or are thinking about joining, DO SO! Post your mod pics. We need a jump start. Spread the word. Im making a few banner things tomorrow. If you want, you can too. As long as you get the main point across, Im not picky. Well, POST AWAY!

And you think Im strange?!?

[29 Mar 2005|04:51am]

Im Joann. Im obsessed with surface piercings! I have a few myself, not surface ones though. My lip and my monroe. Both very pretty. To me anyhow.. Il show pics to get things started.

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5 Say your WRONG! _♥_ And you think Im strange?!?

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