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[17 Jun 2007|10:47am]

I wish they'd make another asoue movie, but the kids would be too old by now.
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Hey there, wake up. [07 Jun 2007|12:05pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Are you alive? I wil make you be alive... or I'll be forced to make another asylum because I love asoue that much.

My favorite characters are:

  • Violet

  • Count Olaf

  • Fernald/Hook-handed man

  • My favorite ship is Violaf, in fact I'm the mod on the LJ community for it, it's not cannon and it's not usually consensual but I don't care I just like matching up the heros to the villains.

    Has anyone read "Horseradish"? I skimmed a few pages of my brother's copy, it didn't look that great to me.

    ... respond!
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