Apr. 20th, 2009


Week 61

Here are the prompts for this week.

Remember that the submissions can be any length, but must be posted on their specified day by 11:59 PM EST. If you have a suggestion for a prompt, please leave it as a comment (comments will be screened).

Because of the late posting, Monday's prompt can be used on Tuesday.

Monday April 20, 2009: Spring Time Optimism
Tuesday April 21, 2009: Nourishment
Wednesday April 22, 2009: Waiting for Spring
Thursday April 23, 2009: Fields of Gold
Friday April 24, 2009: Melancholy Days
Saturday April 25, 2009: This Glistening Hour
Sunday April 26, 2009: New Beginnings

Week 60 Challenge: Spring - write prompts focusing on Spring (emotions/holidays/time, etc)

Next Week's Challenge: Relationships: Write about interactions between family, friends, lovers, co-workers, teachers & student, etc.
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