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Jan. 25th, 2010


Update those flists!

There's a new player/character amongst you.

Hi there! My name is Meesha and I'm notoriously bad at writing introductions I'll be bringing you that sassafras of a southern belle: Rogue. At the moment she's just returning to the X-Men after disappearing for a few months after the whole Marauders/Strain 88 thing that happened. She's adopted the name "Anna Raven", she's a mechanic, she likes the color green and she likes to eat. A lot. Her full profile can be found HERE. Contact info in profile, PM me if you'd like to add my CDJs.

As far as interactions go the X-Men obviously, but Mystique + The Brotherhood too. I'm all for since, y'know, she used to hang with them.

Anyways I look forward to meeting and playing with everyone! Oh, and please forgive my lack of white-striped-manipulated icons. I'm working on it!

Jan. 13th, 2010


Howdy! This is Illmantrim, and I'll be bringing to you Vance Astrovik, aka Justice, member of the Avengers Resistance and general all around determinedly nice guy. Vance is a mutant, a former Avenger, a former New Warrior, and a former trainer at the Initiative Camp Hammond. Smelling a rat, he parted ways with the institution, and then fell in with old friends and new allies when he formed the Avengers resistance to oppose Norman Osborn's plans.

Mostly working against the actions surrounding Camp H.A.M.M.E.R., he is also the face of a growing resistance to Norman's ways.

He is open for plot, and for random encounters! I hope to see you all in the game!

Jan. 2nd, 2010


New character!

Lee here, bringing in the Madelyne Pryor, who will once again be returning to the land of the living. Y'all might want to check her profile out, as I took a little bit of artistic license on her recent history, since Marvel never really explained if the Red Queen actually was Madelyne, and if it was, how she returned to Earth with new powers.

I will be putting up a narrative for her as soon as the plotline is officially approved (we want to make sure all the details are ready), since we will be starting the plot as soon as she arrives back to Earth. Hopefully we will get back to y'all in a few days with that info!

And yes, I went with Famke to be her PB, since she is Jean's clone and all.

Dec. 25th, 2009


I am not dead. I swear

Oh my God guys, I thought things were going to get easier as soon as finals were over but Christmas has been hectic. Needless to say I'm sorry I haven't been all posty-posty recently, but I'm trying to get back into the swing, just bear with me while I get all my proverbial ducks back in line. I've added a post for Hand to Mystique. Reed needs to respond to the Star Jammer crisis and I owe Osborn a Hill run in (NPC'd). Sorry again, but I'm totally on it now, thanks for understanding.

Dec. 23rd, 2009


Hello! It's Panther (Lorna's player), and I have another character. He's a little obscure, I'm not sure if anyone's heard of him. His name is Scott Summers. He shoots concussive blasts out of his eyes and has to wear a visor to keep them in at all times, giving him the nickname Cyclops.

Currently he's being bad ass in the Pacific Ocean, ruling over the last of mutant kind and giving Osborne the finger in jetpacks and stuff. If anyone can tell me what he's done so far in game, and what the people close to him have been up to, that would be appreciated.

Emma and Scott definitely need a thread.

Dec. 21st, 2009


Hello everyone!

I am deeply sorry for arriving and then disappearing. My father passed away, and I had to make up all of my finals. I am back now and definitely looking for a happy distraction. If anyone would like to thread with Layla, please let me know. :) I may post an open thread with her dropping into Utopia later today.

If you'd like to plot, please feel free to drop me a line on AIM at MedeaStory. I'm up for anything!

Dec. 19th, 2009


Holy Holiday Hell

My tags are going to be really slow if they happen at all the rest of this weekend, so I apologize to those in the space thread who may have to wait a day or so.

I am also thinking that since I backdated the space thread as I probably will the Fault thread, that we could still do all that but have the X-Men who are in space right now be back on Earth in the present as a means to get more of our characters together and mingling.

Any thoughts on this?

Dec. 9th, 2009


I Suck. Kind Of.

My intention was to post the big space thread kick off tonight, but after my finals today and some other unexpected drama, that is just not going to happen. I have another final thursday that will likely consume my soul, but I still hope to get that thread up within the next two days. My final is in the evening, so the post will either go up during the day as a break from my studies, or after I take the exam, as a reward!

Also, I owe some of you tags. I will get to those as soon as I can. And yes, other threads need my attention as well. By this weekend, I *should* be able to catch up on everything.

We have a new player, Dee, who posted below. Be sure to welcome her and update your friends lists here.


Yay! I was finally accepted!

Hello everyone. My name is Dee. I'm a 22 year old college senior, and I'm really excited to be coming aboard. It's been a long time since I've been part of a Marvel game. I'm glad that I found a home for my main muse crush. Without further ado, allow me to introduce you to her.

I will be playing Layla Miller, also known as Butterfly, from X-Factor Investigations. She's something of a psychic who debuted in House of M; it is believed that she was created as a fail-safe for Scarlet Witch's powers, and she exists outside of any reality-warping abilities. She is one of a handful of people (the others I cannot name off the top) who remembers the events of M-Day and the events that lead up to it. This means that she knows/remembers people, rather intimately, who have no idea who she is (looking at you Wolverine and Emma Frost). If you're familiar with House of M, you may remember her looking something like this, aka Dakota Fanning.

Due to some confusing time travel events in and around Messiah Complex that propelled her into an alternate future where she was stuck in a concentration camp on Earth-1191, she aged at least eight years and finally managed to come back to Earth-616. After a brief moment of realization between her and Jamie Madrox, Doctor Doom had to be a party pooper and send her back in time prior to House of M. Joy. But she's made it back to the present and has just popped into this reality on Utopia. And boy is she confused. You would be too if you missed everything from Messiah Complex through the Skrull Invasion and were thrust into its aftermath.

Layla's powers are somewhat psychic in nature. Most notable is her ability to "know stuff," but don't expect her to tell you what she knows. She'll drop dead if she does, so she's learned to keep her mouth shut. She can restore memories and powers to those who are shut down for some reason (though she hasn't needed to do this since M-Day). Also, she has the ability to restore the dead to life with...consequences. Serious ones. Due to the nature of her powers, though, and the fact that she's already been registered on one Earth (hence the M tattoo over her right eye), you can bet your buttons that she is staying as far as possible from anyone who wants her to put her name in their book.

So that's Layla in a nutshell. Other important facts are that she's a fifteen year old girl in a twenty-something body, and she's madly in love with Jamie Madrox. I really am looking, desperately, for someone to pick up Multiple Man for her. I think they'd be really fun to explore as a couple and as friends, so even if you don't know much about him, please consider taking him. It could be entertaining to say the least. Or, if you know anyone who might be interested in him, please send him my way.

If you'd like to reach me, feel free to drop me an IM on AIM at MedeaStory. If I'm on I'm free to talk. I look forward to playing and plotting with you all!

Dec. 4th, 2009


Plot Ideas-Please Read

In the interest of getting some good plot going for this game, I have come up with some ideas that you may follow if you like. While the larger ones will happen, the smaller are just random pairings I thought might be fun for the individual players to hack out. Some of them have been spoken of, others not. Here are my thoughts!

Please read, reply, and indicate whether or not you are open to suggested plot! )

Nov. 20th, 2009


A limited number of original characters are now available for application as of tonight, and I finally got the new advertisements out (I was waiting until I finished the OC page).

Also, we have an Iceman coming into game, so be sure to welcome her when she introduces herself, and you can update your f-list again here.

Finally, if you are seeking plot or something to do with your character, hit me up here so we can figure something out for you.

That's it for now, folks (yeah, I'm in a strange mood)!

Nov. 17th, 2009


Everyone Please Read

IMPORTANT-Please read and reply to verify you saw this )

Nov. 16th, 2009


I'm back

Alright, I'm back everyone. Turns out it wasn't Comcast's fault. They asked me, "Do you have enemies? Cause someone cut your cable wire." So that's interesting. Hopefully it doesn't go out again, because I don't know of any enemies that I have, but I'll keep you posted, haha.

Nov. 13th, 2009


Hi! I'm new to the game. My name is Panther, and I'm really excited to join you guys.

This is Lorna Dane. She is currently not crazy, not possessed, and not on Earth. Two of these things make her happy. One does not.

Obviously I'm looking for plot with Alex, and probably will try crazy hard to tempt people into playing the other Starjammers.

Nov. 12th, 2009



hey all, lee here with character number 3.

i have brought amara aquilla aka magma onto the table, and until some of her teammates get picked up, she will probably be spending the majority of her time at utopia, so she can interact with any of the other x-men there (or villains, if she comes across them).

her profile can be found here if anyone wants to check it out! if anyone wants to play, feel free to comment here, email, IM, etc.

Nov. 11th, 2009


Here we go again...

Hi again guys. It's Allison. Once more. I've picked up Victoria Hand. Hooray for bad guys and gals. So, the running tally is Reed Richards, Maria Hill and now Hand- if you have questions, comments or want to plot or anything for any of these three, my email is listened. Currently Hand is just going to be following Osborn around with a notepad and pen and a cup of coffee, handing out meds to the Dark Avengers and plotting on her own. She's basically Osborn's evil combination of Pepper (what with the notepad and coffee and sleep reminders) and Maria Hill (What with the Deputy Director and bossing Avengers and HAMMER around and such like that). Let me know if you have anything you want to plot with her or either of my other chars. Thanks a lot!


Because I am absolutely insane/a glutton for punishment/whatever else, I have taken Piotr (for those of you who know me, there is a reason for this! *coughs*lee's kity. I blame her entirely for this.

Piotr is brooding, as he more or less has been ever since Kitty shot off into space. Guy has had it rough, between that and recently returning from the dead himself. He doesn't do anything with his art anymore, and spends most of his free time helping in the construction of Utopia. As one of the more experienced of the X-Men, he works closely with Cyclops and had a prominent role in the defense of Utopia when Osborn attacked with his own Avengers and X-Men.

Possible Plot ideas
• I really enjoyed the feuding between Colossus and Venom in the comics and would love to continue that. Don't know why, but I love the thought of them fighting.

• Reunion with Kitty when she gets back from space (see reason I took Piotr, lol)

• Since his is not a visible mutation, I may have him sneak into the United States to help ferry mutants off to Utopia. This could possibly facilitate a brawl with Venom? It'd be sweet.

If anyone has any ideas for him, or any of my characters, hit me up here.

Also, we've had a lot of new characters come in, so be sure to update your friends list here. We'll be advertising again soon, but it doesn't hurt to pimp, so tell people about us!

Nov. 10th, 2009



Well for some reason both my Cable and Internet decided to blink out of existance on Friday night, and Comcast isn't able to send someone out to fix it until Thursday. So sorry for my slowness until then, hopefully they'll be able to take care of the problem. When they hooked my stuff up they told me that my appartment has shitty wiring, so hopefully it's a quick fix and not some long drawn out rewiring mess, haha. I'll keep you updated though =)

Nov. 8th, 2009


Hey guys.

Just a really quick heads-up that I am going into Hell Week (the week before a show opens)  for the play I'm performing in. We also seem to have a small hurricane headed our way too. So between these two things I might be on a little less than normal and might take a little longer to respond to tags...but no worries. I'm still here. Just letting you know in case I slip MIA off and on throughout the week.

- Angela

Nov. 7th, 2009



Nice to meet everyone! Most people call me Colbey and I will be controlling the occasionally insufferable Mr. Pietro Maximoff. I've actually always wanted to RP Quicksilver and this is the first real chance I've had to do so.

Anyway, right now Pietro is currently sane and working with The Mighty Avengers (fabulous comic btw, if you're not reading it you should be!). He's helping MA fight a big Inhuman menace called The Unspoken and currently thinks Loki is his sister Wanda. He's still the same arrogant and impulsive jerk that he's always been, but, lately he's gotten a little better at hiding those flaws.

If anyone is interested in plotting, or you just want to say hello, please feel free to do so via AOL Instant Messenger or email. My AIM is firesnaps and my email is .

Thanks and looking forward to playing with you all!

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