Ichigo/Orihime: Five Lifetimes of Love [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Ichigo/Orihime: Five Lifetimes of Love

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Ichigo/Orihime Fic [Mar. 26th, 2008|08:50 pm]
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Title: Miscommunication
Author: [info]haruomi
Rating: PG, I guess
Character(s)/Paring(s): Ichigo/Orihime, Tatsuki, mentions of others
Summary: All misunderstandings start with the wrong words and a lack of context.
Disclaimer: Don’t own a thing. Thanks for reminding me.
Warnings: Spoilers, fluff, innuendos, the works.

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Signs, Orihime-centric, [info]brimac13 [Jan. 3rd, 2008|08:29 pm]

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Title: Signs
Author: [info]brimac13
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Paring(s): Orihime, with allusions to possible IchiHime and IchiRuki.
Summary: Orihime would’ve liked to think Kurosaki-kun coming all the way to Hueco Mundo just to rescue her was a sign of his undying love for her.
Disclaimer: Bleach belongs to Kubo Tite, et al.
Warnings: Spoilers for chapter 286 of the manga and a reference to the Bleach movie, Memories of Nobody

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