Try something new once a week for 52 weeks.'s Journal
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Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in Try something new once a week for 52 weeks.'s InsaneJournal:

    Wednesday, January 16th, 2008
    6:20 pm
    Week Three

    I had to crawl under our house to reconnect a furnace duct that fell off yesterday. The worst part of todays adventure? It wasn't "squat walking" under the house, or the fact that my head touched cobwebs before remembering to pull my hood up, or that I barely made it out of the crawlspace door is at my eye level while standing underneath the house. It's the fact that I didn't fix the problem!!!!

    The video is very dark and you can't see much of anything really. It sucks that the lighting didn't work under the house. Someone...ahem...must have left the lights on last time he was under the house causing all of the bulbs to burn out....ahem.

    EDIT: Hubby came home, crawled back under the house and reconnected the HVAC. The house is WARM now.....woohoo!
    Sunday, January 6th, 2008
    1:31 pm
    Day one of week two.....
    I learned something new today. I didn't actually experience it myself...but knowledge is power as someone said.

    One of my friends shared the experiences she and her family had while attending the recent Iowa caucuses. Very interesting stuff... I had very little knowledge of how one actually works. Here is what she wrote:

    I've summarized the following entry for those who don't feel like reading:....
    All attendees stand in groups by candidate. People from other candidate groups can try to persuade you to join their group which can cause candidates without enough delegates to become disqualified. The American caucuses are won by those candidates with supporters who have powerful powers of persuasion...fact.

    Full text...Read more... )
    2:36 am
    New Thing #1
    Cooked an elaborate dinner with a friend, and trusted my ability to do so. :-D

    Found out I truly enjoy cooking for other people. ;-D
    Saturday, January 5th, 2008
    1:22 pm
    I spun!
    I've been sitting here thinking like mad about what I could *possibly* do that was new for the week, because time is slipping away and I really want to start on the right foot (not, you know, 'I'll do it next week!'). And I'm drawing a blank. Even as I post about spinning for the first time at a party I went to last night. Nope, nothing new... *headdesk*

    So, like I said, I went to a gathering yesterday and was taught how to use a drop spindle. It's as hard as I thought it would be (physically and talent-wise) but not impossible. I'll probably try it again some time, but for now...

    a picture of my first chunk of yarn! )
    Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008
    4:48 pm
    Week One...
    I won my first Ebay auction, yesterday....woo hoo!

    I've never bid on Ebay before so I logged in under my sons user ID, (he's a regular customer on Ebay). My daughter has been looking at veils and head pieces for her August wedding for months, she has found veils similar to the one pictured below priced between $150 and $250. I won this veil for $29.95. It just goes to show the mark-up at bridal shops.

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    4:31 pm
    Inaugural Post...
    In an effort to get to know one another, please post a picture of yourself.
    I like wine, can you tell?

    Come on....join in the fun. Read more... )
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