50 Originals
Original Fiction Challenge

Joe Reaves posting in Original Fiction Challenge
User: [info]featheredwolf
Date: 2007-08-06 22:07
Subject: FAQ
Security: Public
Tags:admin, faq

What can I claim?

Pick a table. They're sorted by genre with one general table to make it easier for you. After all if you're writing a Western or a Sci Fi story you'd want completely different prompts.

How many things can I claim?

There is no limit as long as you are working on them all at the same time. If you believe you can work on ten claims at the same time without neglecting any of them, who am I to stop you? You're clearly insane but that's your problem, not mine.

Can I write with a partner?

Yes, but writing with a partner means both/all of you write every fic. No alternating Can I split a claim with someone else?No

What's the minimum or maximum length?

At least 500 words. No word limit, write as much as you like.

What ratings are accepted here?

Any and all. Just give adequate warnings and hide anything R or above behind a cut please. With one exception - if you claim the adult table, you must write adult rated stories

Can I use previously written fic?

Yes but no more than five per table

Can I use multiple prompts for one story.

Only if you're writing a multi-chaptered fic. In which case one prompt per chapter.

What if there's a prompt I just can't write for?

Since I didn't give you any writer's choice prompts you can replace up to five of your prompts with prompts from any of the other tables.

Do I have to write them in order?

Absolutely not.

Can I apply fic to more than one challenge?

It's okay with us as long as it's okay with the other community that you're writing for.

Are there any deadlines?


Headers and cuts:

I'm not going to tell you what header you have to use, but please include all the relevant information outside the cut. ie Title, Author, Pairing, Rating and Warnings. Put the fic behind a cut or use a fake cut to your own journal if you want.

Please make sure you give the proper warnings for anything that might disturb people. If you want to put them at the bottom of the fic to avoid spoilers that's fine as long as you make it clear that's what you're doing and how to find them.


I'll give you a tag when your claim is approved. Please try to use them.

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50 Originals
July 2008