50 Drabbles Fiction Challenge
Because sometimes 100 words are all you need.

Joe Reaves posting in 50 Drabbles Prompt Challenge
User: [info]featheredwolf
Date: 2009-11-13 15:01
Subject: Knives & Uninvited Guest, Primeval, Lester/Blade, PG
Security: Public
Mood:sleepy sleepy
Tags:joereaves:primeval, primeval

Title Knives
Characters Lester/Blade
Fandom Primeval
Rating PG
Prompt Knife ( 50 Drabbles )
Summary There are things you have to get used to when you live with Blade.
Author's Note Thanks to Jack for looking it over and to fred for the use of Blade.


Title Uninvited Guest
Characters Lester/Blade
Fandom Primeval
Rating PG
Prompt Monsters ( 50 Drabbles )
Summary Lester gets a surprise over breakfast.
Author's Note Thanks to fred for the use of Blade and to Jack for looking it over.

Uninvited Guest

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