50 Drabbles Fiction Challenge - October 23rd, 2007
Because sometimes 100 words are all you need.

IJ Danielle posting in 50 Drabbles Prompt Challenge
User: [info]50drabbles (posted by [info]dmitchell1985)
Date: 2007-10-23 09:38
Subject: Table #1 :: Prompts #13, #3 & #15 :: Ronon/Rodney :: 34/50
Security: Public
Mood:cheerful cheerful
Music:Typing keys and turning pages
Tags:dmitchell1985:ronon/rodney, stargate atlantis

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Title: Audience Participation
Rating: Barely PG
Pairing: Ronon Dex/Rodney McKay
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I can dance.
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Table 1 :: #13 – Dance

Press Play )

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Title: Impressing Your Man
Rating: G – for Good Times That would technically be GT.
Pairing: Ronon Dex/Rodney McKay
Warnings: Giggles.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Party time!
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Table 1 :: #3 – Fire

I pity the fool! )

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Title: Making Moves
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ronon Dex/Rodney McKay
Warnings: Hrmm. None, really.
Spoilers: None!
Disclaimer: Can’t own them.
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Table 1 :: #15 – Devious

Cutting the cord. )

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User: [info]50drabbles (posted by [info]asieluniversity)
Date: 2007-10-23 23:00
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Location:The Moon
Mood:calm calm
Tags:asieluniversity:roy/edward, fullmetal alchemist

In writing for Fullmetal Alchemist, I use the system that if the younger party can consent with full knowledge of what's going to happen, then it's all good. If you don't agree with me here, then I suggest not reading this set of drabbles.

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: from squeaky clean to mentions of assumed sex
Pairing: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang
Warnings: POV change? Not always the same person talking...
Spoilers: If you've seen the previews for the movie, you're good.
Disclaimer: I have fifty-three cents. Do you want it?
Word Count: 400
Prompt: Table 02 (01-04)

* * *

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