25 Moments

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Fic: Moments (Ginny Black/Sirius Black) PG-13 Dec. 31st, 2008 @ 04:16 am

Title: "Moments"
Prompts: 'Laughter' and 'Life or Death'
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Ginny/Sirius
Word Count: 314
Summary: Sometimes moments are the only thing to hold onto.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: All I own is the story idea. Harry Potter and the characters belong to their respectful owners. Please don't sue!
Warnings: AU, Mentions of character death.
Authors Note: Written for 'Laughter' at [info]rarepair_shorts and 'Life or Death' at 25moments.
Link To Prompt Tables: rarepair_shorts, 25moments



[SPN] Interrogation Tactics (PG) Nov. 5th, 2008 @ 12:27 pm
Title: Interrogation Tactics
Pairing/Characters: Sam, Dean, John, Evil Cult of Unknown Origin
Rating: PG (for hurting a kid)
Word Count: 1,600
Challenge: [info]25moments's prompt Pain
Disclaimer: I do not own anything at all, ‘cept my pride. But that resides in a small glass bottle, encased in concrete six feet underground.
A/N: It’s a Wee!chester fic, and it’s not what it looks like. Trust me.
Dean's heart wrenched painfully.

Rejection (PG) by Saurab Oct. 29th, 2008 @ 09:22 pm
Title: Rejection
Author: [info]saurab
The Prompt: 12. Pain - [My Prompt Table].
Fandom: After School Nightmare
Pairing/Characters: Sou/Mashiro
Rating: PG
Summary: Mashiro is in pain.
A/N: The fic takes place in volume 8, right after the scene with Sou confessing his 'real' feelings for Mashiro. The first line is from After School Nightmare volume 8 page 136.

( Rejection )

Drabble: All Right 1/1 Owen Sep. 17th, 2008 @ 10:47 am
Title: All Right
Author: Shannon
Summary: Owen realizes that maybe he isn't as angry about what's happening as he thought.
Pairing: Owen
Table, Prompt: 4—Life or Death
Rating: PG
Warnings: Character death (the death is canon though)
A/N: Definitely spoilers for Fragments and Exit Wounds and some for Reset and A Day In The Death
Words: 328
Beta: [info]velvetwhip

(All Right)

ficlet: Flirting 1/1 Jack/Ianto Aug. 10th, 2008 @ 10:14 am
Title: Flirting
Author: Shannon
Summary: Why doesn’t Jack's flirting bother Ianto
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Table, Prompt: 3—Jealousy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Kind of has spoilers for Journey's End. I wouldn’t really consider them spoilers but I don't want to ruin it for people that try to remain completely spoiler free.
Words: 662
Beta: [info]kitty_poker1

Other entries
» (No Subject)
Title: Commemoration
Author: [info]bellasblues
The Prompt: Prompt 1 - Scars
Fandom: Charmed
Pairing/Characters: Chris/Bianca
Rating: PG
Summary: The future hasn't been changed. Wyatt still went evil and this is the moment Chris and Bianca meet.

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