Jul. 7th, 2008


fic: tattered, ladd/lua, R

Fandom: Baccano!
Title: Tattered
Characters/Pairings: Ladd/Lua
Rating/Warnings: R, stream of consciousness, fragmented, Lua's insanity?
Other: For kinkfest prompt, Ladd/Lua, first time, blood on the sheets (creatively interpreted, ::wince::)

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Apr. 25th, 2008


Fic: Happily Ever After, Lua/Ladd

[info]karanguni: you sucked me into Baccano! bigtime. I’m so glad you made this site. Everything so far's been so cool!

This is my second fandom, and is wanting to hit it hardcore. First thoughts were on a happy love story tailored to suit our charming canon couple. Anime-based, completely made-up backstory, and probably completely wrong. Couldn’t find much info on these two online. (Maybe looking in the wrong places?)

Fandom: Baccano!
Title: Happily Ever After.
Characters/Pairings: Lua/Ladd
Rating: NC-17
Other: Violent consensual sexual activity, eyeball assault, fisting, blood, mind-f*ckery, arrogance, bad monologues, alliteration. No real spoilers, I think?

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