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March 2008
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Issued Non-Weekly

*NOTE* Some are more lenient than others as far as word counts go. Always check the comm info to be sure.

Database Directory⇒⇐Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐Report a problem/Add a comm

Issued Non-Weekly
Community Fandom Issue Day Description
[info]daily_prompt All/Multi Daily Be inspired by prompt of the day (e.g. write, draw, manip, rec, etc.).
[info]writing_prompts All Daily Write on the prompt of the day.

[Total | 2]

Issued Thursday

*NOTE* Some are more lenient than others as far as word counts go. Always check the comm info to be sure.

Database Directory⇒⇐Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐Report a problem/Add a comm

Issued Thursday
Community Fandom Issue Day Description
[info]neville100 Harry Potter – Neville Longbottom Thursday Must be 18. Write 100 words on the prompt of the week.
[info]snarry100 Harry Potter – Snape/Harry Thursday Must be 18. Write 100 words on the prompt of the week, or draw 10–20 minutes on the prompt of the week.

[Total | 2]

Issued Monday

*NOTE* Some are more lenient than others as far as word counts go. Always check the comm info to be sure.

Database Directory⇒⇐Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐Report a problem/Add a comm

Issued Monday
Community Fandom Issue Day Description
[info]15_minute_fic All Monday Write for 15 minutes on the prompt of the week.
[info]drabble_a_trois All Monday? Write about a threesome on the prompt of the week.
[info]fuda_100 Yami no Matsuei Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week
[info]ffvii_100 Final Fantasy VII Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week, earning points for your team.
[info]gundam_100 Gundam Wing Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week, earning points for your team.
[info]prompt_100 All Monday Write 100–250 words on the prompt of the week.
[info]saiyuki_100 Saiyuki Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week, earning points for your team.
[info]spn_100 Supernatural Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week.
[info]tv_100 TV Monday Write 100–250 words on the prompt of the week.
[info]voicesinmyhead All Monday Write on the prompt of the week with the character you claimed.
[info]weisskreuz100 Weiss Kreuz Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week, earning points for your team.

[Total | 11]

Issued Sunday

*NOTE* Some are more lenient than others as far as word counts go. Always check the comm info to be sure.

Database Directory⇒⇐Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐Report a problem/Add a comm

Issued Sunday
Community Fandom Issue Day Description
[info]boosh100 The Mighty Boosh Sunday Write on the prompt of the week.
[info]rpsfanfic RPF Sunday
Write on the prompt of the week.
[info]snape100 Harry Potter – Severus Snape Sunday? Must be 18. Write 100 words on the prompt of the week.

[Total | 3]

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