12 Days of ...
Holidays Challenge

User: [info]sakru909
Date: 2008-06-25 20:25
Subject: Secrets and Confessions [Gus/Casper fic by sakru909]
Security: Public
Tags:original, sakru909:nearly paradise

Title: Secrets and Confessions
Fandom: Nearly Paradise (Original)
Paring: Gus/Casper
Prompt: Table 2/Prompt #3-Secrets
Rating: G
Word Count: 660
Summary: Casper comes out to his friend, telling him of his feelings for him, and fears the worst.
Author's Note: All characters within belong to me and may not be used without my specific permission.

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User: [info]sakru909
Date: 2008-04-08 23:30
Subject: Chocolate Delights [Gus/Casper fic by sakru909]
Security: Public
Mood:nervous nervous
Tags:original, sakru909:nearly paradise

Title: Chocolate Delights
Fandom: Nearly Paradise (Original)
Paring: Gus/Casper
Prompt: Table 2/Prompt #2 Chocolate
Rating: NC-17 for explicit sexual content; PWP.
Word Count: 1660
Summary: After a long night at work, Casper and Gus indulge in a little fun.
A/N: This fic probably took me the longest to write since I normally don't write smut; if there's anything I can improve on please let me know. Finally remember that all characters within belong to me and may not be used without my specific permission.

x-posted to my fiction asylum, [info]sakru_fiction.

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User: [info]sakru909
Date: 2008-03-28 21:17
Subject: First Dates and Well Deserved Sleep [Gus/Casper fic by sakru909]
Security: Public
Mood:pleased pleased
Tags:original, sakru909:nearly paradise

Title: First Dates and Well Deserved Sleep
Fandom: Nearly Paradise (Original)
Paring: Gus/Casper
Prompt: Table 2/Prompt #9 Date
Rating: G, it's all innocent here folks.
Word Count: 1210
Summary: They had been on dates before, but it was the first time they didn't have to hide the fact that they were together from the world.
A/N: All characters within belong to me and may not be used without my specific permission.

x-posted to my fiction asylum, [info]sakru_fiction.

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User: [info]sakru909
Date: 2008-03-16 07:14
Subject: Saying Goodbye Because Here Comes the War [Gus/Casper fic by sakru909]
Security: Public
Tags:original, sakru909:nearly paradise

Title: Saying Goodbye Because Here Comes the War
Fandom: Nearly Paradise (Original)
Paring: Gus/Casper
Prompt: Table 2/Prompt #11 Kiss
Rating: G for some kissing, but nothing else really.
Word Count: 726
Summary: One of the hardest things Casper ever had to do was say goodbye and watch as his boyfriend went on the train, headed towards the war.
A/N: All characters within belong to me and may not be used without my specific permission.

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User: [info]sakru909
Date: 2008-02-14 18:36
Subject: Happy Valentines Day to You [Gus/Casper fic by sakru909]
Security: Public
Mood:cheerful cheerful
Tags:original, sakru909:nearly paradise

Title: Happy Valentines Day to You
Fandom: Nearly Paradise (Original)
Paring: Gus/Casper
Prompt: Table 2/Prompt #5 Gift
Rating: PG for some suggestive bits
Word Count: 1222
Summary: Gus wants to get Casper something special for Valentines and he knows just the right gift to give and make him happy.

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