Oct. 6th, 2008


Wrong Floor

Who: Alarie and Churat
Where: Second floor, then climbing down to the first floor
When: Early afternoon

Alarie was getting restless - what with the rain pouring outside. She felt cooped up, with not much to do other than track down her brother and bug him for a couple of hours. She had been trying to give him some space, not wanting to smother him too badly with her presence. Wandering along the second floor, Alarie pushed her hair behind her ears, eyes sweeping along some of the faces passing by her. She was desperate enough for company that she would probably snag anyone she recognized for a conversation. If she couldn't find anyone up here, Alarie considered heading down into the basement to see if she could find Desdemona again. She hadn't talked to the girl since they met, but she was friendly enough and surely would be up for company if she was awake.


Not So Crazy

Who: Alarie and Churat
When: Anesus 3, Morning
Where: Basement

The holes in the wall were... interesting. And a bit eerie. Alarie had woken to notice them almost immediately and had hurried to Harlan's room to ask about them, only he wasn't there. The holes in his own wall, however, unnerved her, and Alarie wondered if it had anything to do with the half past challenge. No privacy? She wasn't an overly private person, but after her run in with Svathe the day before, she wasn't terribly fond of knowing anyone could come by and peek in on her while she slept.


You got into a fight with WHO??

Who: Harlan and Alarie
Where: Alarie's room, this time
When: Anesus 2, late evening

It had been a long day, though in the end not necessarily a bad one. Harlan had pled exhaustion and escaped back upstairs to sit down a while, while Arie signed up for her chores for the year, and had settled on his bed with his latest book on magic until she was finished. He kept his ears sharp for the sound of her door on the wall beside his while he read the book over again-- he'd finished it the first day he'd had it, and now was rereading it for the third time, more slowly-- a trick he'd picked up not long after his arrival at the compound. It was safer to be careful, especially when you knew you weren't the most popular of people.


Puppy Eyes

Who: Alarie and Svathe
When: Anesus 2, After meeting (around 8:30?)
Where: Within the Castle (in the hall?)

As much as the Lykos would have liked to tarry around the meeting hall to snap at Gochin or Remy, the fact that tonight was the night put previous enmities on the back burner. Svathe had singled out his mark, the pup called Alarie, and now it was only a matter of time before he moved in. He had caught her speaking with a blood-sucker -- another first year, at that, and one about as servile as one could get without sinking to Kierban's level. Blood and feeding; Vrykolas went against every law of nature save perhaps ticks and lice. He wouldn't be surprised if they went under Tick's protection in the afterlife, if they were given auspice at all. Didn't the lot of them kill themselves anyways? Barbaric.


Supporting the Vrykola

Who: Alarie and Paziter
Where: Anesus 2, Main Hall
When: After the meeting (and Paziter's conversation with Tayne)

Alarie couldn't help herself. She waited for the blonde Vrykola to finish speaking to Tayne before she bounced after him, determined to ask a few questions before he disappeared. He seemed a bit hesitant during the meeting, nervous sort of quiet and given he asked about a list of people to feed from... or support, as he'd called it - well, that tipped her off and had her thinking of Harlan all over again. Which was why she stuck around after the meeting, keeping her eyes glued to the guy and waiting for a chance to corner him.


A Long Awaited Party ( ... only not really)

Who: Tayne and OPEN TO ALL
Where: Anesus 2, The main hall
When: Shortly after sunset

Though Tayne had been early, other people had been earlier still. There had been a small variety of people already in the great hall-- including a few "repeats"; he recognized poor Kierban, shooting him a little wave, though he didn't expect to get one back, and the sight of Remy already waiting made him want to groan, though he didn't. That Vrykola had made trouble for Torehl the whole year previous, and he had a feeling the spoiled brat was going to cause him no end of trouble, as well.


Sisterly Concern

Who: Harlan and Alarie
Where: Harlan's room
When: Anesus 2, Late morning

It was late when Harlan finally dragged himself out of bed. Far later than the morning before-- far later than usual. He'd been up late first for the test-- which had been nothing, mostly for Tayne, Gochin, and the first years, and not even happening until that evening-- then with Paziter, and even with the food and drink the grateful, helpful Vrykola had brought him, the best cure for feeding a Vrykola was sleep, which he'd taken in plenty. He'd need more food and drink to dispel the headache he'd woken up with, but otherwise he felt surprisingly good when he first opened his eyes.


Windows & Books

Who: Desdemona and Alarie
When: Anesus 1, 7:00PM
Where: 2nd Floor, Sitting Room

The day passed quickly, as it usually did for someone who slept through the daylight. Desdemona had been exhausted from her journey, and if that wasn't enough, there was the emotional baggage that came with being locked inside a compound for six years. She woke slowly, not particularly eager to explore her new home, but eventually deciding she didn't want to stay locked in her room. After pulling on a crimson silk gown and fixing her hair, Desdemona departed from her room, locking the door behind her.

Sep. 23rd, 2008


Finding Family

Who: Harlan and Alarie
When: Anesus 1, shortly after 1AM
Where The courtyard, then inside

No matter how much Harlan wished he could be inside, there was no way he was going. The newly arrived adolescents were flooding into the castle courtyard, and all he wanted was to find his sister. Not greet the other new human-folk, not count how many new Vrykola they had this year, not even crane his neck to see if any of the Anasiel tribe had made it as far as the gate before being chased off into the woods-- all he wanted was his sister. He tugged his cloak around him, shivering even though it wasn't that cold out tonight, and pushed his glasses up onto his forehead so he could see better, keeping his eyes open for a familiar face amidst the sea of unfamiliar ones, all with their light baggage and warm clothes.