10prompts - A challenge community - October 23rd, 2008
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Ame's Insanity posting in 10prompts - 10 prompts to get writing again
User: [info]10prompts (posted by [info]amejisuto)
Date: 2008-10-23 13:46
Subject: Don't You Forget About Me - Tony DiNozzo/Ian Edgerton Rated PG
Security: Public
Tags:author: amejisuto, character: tony dinozzo, fandom: ncis

Title: Don't You Forget About Me
Author: [info]amejisuto
Summary: Tony plans a big breakfast before Ian has to leave, but something else ... uh, comes up.
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/Ian Edgerton
Table, Prompt: Table 8, Time. Prompt: Breakfast.
Find previous parts here.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings: None really. Implied smut but no actual smut involved.
A/N: Another ficlet in my Tony/Ian verse. I guess if I have to call this verse anything it'll be Tony's Soundtrack, because each of the titles is taken from a song. I thought about calling this series Love's a Loaded Gun but I just can't see Tony listening to Alice Cooper all that much. Besides that song doesn't have a happy ending. LOL
Words: 1394
Beta'd by the wondrous [info]suki_blue. Thank you, love! I couldn't do it without you!

Don't You Forget About Me )

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