10prompts - A challenge community - August 23rd, 2008
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shannon730 posting in 10prompts - 10 prompts to get writing again
User: [info]10prompts (posted by [info]shannon730)
Date: 2008-08-23 21:32
Subject: Morning Coffee 1/1 Ianto (Deceptions and Kindess 3)
Security: Public
Tags:author: shannon730, fandom: torchwood, pairing: ianto jones/jack harkness

Title: Morning Coffee
Series: Deceptions and Kindness
Author: Shannon
Summary: Ianto needs to distract everyone to protect his secret.
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Table, Prompt: 7 (Locations), 5—Kitchen
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for Cyberwoman
Words: 187
Beta: < lj user="angelskuuipo">

First Meeting (Part 1)
Indispensible (Part 2)

(Morning Coffee)

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