10prompts - A challenge community - June 7th, 2008
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User: [info]10prompts (posted by [info]my_sam_dean)
Date: 2008-06-07 17:48
Subject: General Series, Supernatural, #6, NC-17
Security: Public
Tags:author: my_sam_dean, fandom: supernatural, general series

Title: Perpetual Damage
Author: my_sam_dean
Summary: An Incubus attacks Sam, Sam attacks Dean.  They deal with the fallout.
Pairing:  Sam/Dean
Table, Prompt: Crimes, #6 - Rape - 10 Prompts
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Non-Con, violence, dark, slash/incest
A/N: I own nothing Supernatural.
Words: 1,187


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