Aug. 10th, 2007


Affiliate Requests

To request affiliation with this community, please fill out the form below and post it in a comment to this post.

10 Roleplay Scenes is a proud member of [info]linkquilts and utilizes where possible for affiliates. For our Quilt Block, please see the bottom of this post or our profile.

Community Maintainer: (the ij username of the person or persons who maintain the community)
Community: (the ij username of the community itself)
Brief Explanation of Community: (what is this community about? what is it made for?)
Quilt Block Link: (if you've joined [info]linkquilts and have a block, link me to the post or supply the information)

Journal: (the ij username of the journal itself)
Brief Explanation of Journal: (what is this community about? what is it made for? an icon journal? a writing journal?)
Quilt Block Link: (if you've joined [info]linkquilts and have a block, link me to the post or supply the information)

Our Quilt Block

10 Roleplay Scenes - A Writing Challenge