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FIC: Envy (harry/severus, PG-13) [Aug. 30th, 2010|01:57 am]


Title: Envy
Author: [info]joanwilder (RaeWhit)
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 23/Envy
Word Count: 1333
Summary: Sometimes all things not being equal is what makes a relationship work.

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FIC: The Box (harry/severus, PG-13) [Aug. 22nd, 2009|03:14 am]


Title: The Box
Author: [info]joanwilder (RaeWhit)
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 28/Asleep
Word Count: 1600
Summary: Snape snoops while Harry sleeps, and gets just what he deserves.

The Box
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FIC: Severus and Harry's Most Excellent Summer Holiday (harry/severus, PG) [Jul. 7th, 2009|10:14 pm]


Title: Severus and Harry's Most Excellent Summer Holiday
Author: [info]joanwilder
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 48/Days
Word Count: 850
Summary: Harry keeps a daily diary of their summer holiday trip.

Severus and Harry's Most Excellent Summer Holiday
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FIC: Hurricane (harry/severus, G) [Jun. 30th, 2009|02:21 am]


Title: Hurricane
Author: [info]joanwilder
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: G
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 38/Hurricane
Word Count: 296
Summary: Harry knows how to seek shelter from the storm.

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FIC: In a Lather (harry/severus, NC-17) [Mar. 12th, 2009|04:24 pm]


Title: In a Lather
Author: [info]joanwilder
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 18-Lust
Word Count: 2300
Beta: [info]jadzialove
Summary: Lust denied --> lust multiplied.
A/N: The fic for this prompt was inspired by [info]veridian_dair's piece of steamy art of the same title, In a Lather (NWS).

In a Lather
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Footsteps (harry/severus, PG) [Jan. 2nd, 2009|11:55 pm]


Title: Footsteps
Author: [info]joanwilder
Rating: PG
Warning: Implied character death
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 43--footsteps
Word Count: 663
Beta: [info]jadzialove
Summary: When someone dies, part of them remains.
A/N: This is for [info]red_day_dawning.

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Mephisto Waltz (harry/severus, R) [Dec. 18th, 2008|01:02 am]


Title: Mephisto Waltz
Author: [info]joanwilder
Rating: R
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 13--Waltz
Word Count: 2330
Beta: [info]jadzialove
Summary: Harry makes a deal to get Severus to dance.

Mephisto Waltz
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Strangers )(harry/severus, PG-13) [Nov. 29th, 2008|12:54 am]


Title: Strangers
Author: [info]joanwilder
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 3--strangers
Word Count: 380
Beta: [info]jadzialove
Summary: Harry and Snape get along just fine...except when they don't.

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"Midnight" (harry/severus, R) [Oct. 28th, 2008|01:42 pm]


Title: Midnight
Author: [info]joanwilder
Rating: R
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 33
Word Count: 875
Summary: It's midnight, and Severus is awake...again.

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[info]joanwilder "Birth" (harry/severus, G) [Aug. 28th, 2008|01:35 am]


Title: Birth
Author: [info]joanwilder
Rating: G
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 8
Word Count: 200
Summary: A babe in arms...

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