One Hundred Quills - April 27th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 27th, 2010

snapesgirl: Sinistra's World (Aurora Sinistra and others, G) [Apr. 27th, 2010|07:02 pm]


[Current Mood |accomplished]

Title: Sinistra's World
Author: [info]snapesgirl
Rating: gen
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: smell
Word Count: 199
Summary: New prefect Sinistra finds something wrong while on patrol
Notes: Thanks to [info]elfflame for the beta read

Title: Sinistra's World
Author: [info]snapesgirl
Rating: gen
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: war
Word Count: 231
Summary: Sinistra has a strategy session with Molly Weasley

Title: Sinistra's World
Author: [info]snapesgirl
Rating: gen
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: alone
Word count: 256
Summary: Albus Dumbledore expresses his concern for staff members

Title: Sinistra's World
Author: [info]snapesgirl
Rating: gen
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: breakable
Word count: 219
Summary: A wedding proposal is made

Title: Sinistra's World
Author: [info]snapesgirl
Rating: gen
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: courage
Word count: 237
Summary: courage is needed to face challenges

Title: Sinistra's World
Author: [info]snapesgirl
Rating: gen
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: dust
Word count: 220
Summary: Aurora gives detention to a student
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