[info]funsize in [info]07refugees

Oh Dear Christ...

SA is so happy with what they have done that they are drunk on a Monday, and want to party

Nevermind the fact that they have worried and pissed off users that just want clarifications on stuff and think it's too soon to be celebrating this news.


Comedic fail.

There is no alcoholic beverage on earth strong enough to make an event like that tolerable.
I hope they have metal detectors and bodyguards for the partiers *L* If I were them, I wouldn't be broadcasting where I'm physically going to be to the whole interwebs.
I flagged their post for Adult Content. Its an open post, and their mood is drunk. Sounds like they are promoting alcohol to minors to me...
Oh, for the love of fail.
I like that it's 'exclusive.' All you have to do is ask Brad an you get in.
And that it's a private party yet they've sent out an invitation to a possible 14million people worldwide.
So intimate!
I wonder if Brad's been drowned in a deluge of "I CAN HAS INVITE PLZ" requests yet.
I'm in Oakland and I'd be tempted to go, just for the WTF-ery of it all, except that I already have plans tonight.
Their fail shall be legendary, even in the World of Fail.
I especially love the party on a Monday night, in only one place (because obviously all LJ users live in San Francisco), with almost no warning. That's great, guys. Way to plan.
I know people used to jokingly offer Brad hookers and blow for Lj favors, but after seeing him make the same post in lj2008, I really wonder how much blow he's had.
Based on the 'yay they are letting me play with their toys more' entry in his journal, I'd say a fair bit of blow indeed. Think of your sinuses, Brad. They think of you.
Think of your sinuses, Brad. They think of you.

I think his sinuses abandoned him about the same time Six Apart took over LJ.
A party... eh?

Eh indeed.

(and I was the first person to post
a comment to that announcement on LJ)