[info]yohjideranged in [info]07refugees

Insanely bothered -

I migrated over here after the Strikethrough partly because I was affected - through my fandom and my survivor communities.  I was affected from the mass panic that these deletions caused.  I was affected by the outpouring of anger and rage that 6A's actions caused.  And I was affected by the solidarity of the populace at livejournal.  The fact that the news travelled quicker than any news the LJ staff might feed the users.

I am outraged that the news reports coming out of 6A seem to play down the whole event when it was a violation of so many rights that it isn't even funny.  The proper protocal for deleting any of those journals would have been to receive a legitimate legal letter from law enforcement or an agency like such and then taking action. 

But they didn't do that.  They proceded to wipe out several communities and user journals without so much as a "thank you for shopping with us" or a quick journal read to determine what was in fact being discussed.  I know that takes time, but time is what it takes to do something right.

I still have my account at LJ, I am waiting until my paid subscription runs out and then I will go down to basic and eat their bandwidth.  Some of my friends have follwed me here, but for those that have not, I will stay at LJ to read and comment only.

I am insanely bothered by the new LJ main layout.  I consider it a violation of my privacy that when on a public terminal everyone can see what my friends last comments were and mine too for that matter.  I am also pissed off that LJ has moved all pertinent news to the bottom right corner.  It's almost like they are hiding from us.  And they don't include and "opt-out" option so that I can have my news first.

So here I am, friend following or no, for the better I am hoping.  My trust in LJ is shattered beyond all repair and I feel violated and dirty every time I talk about them.

I am making a new start, a new life so to speak here. I have created some fandom communities over here and hope they continue to gather new members.

I wish all you other refugees the best!  We have been through a right bit of hell, haven't we...



God, I hate the new main page designs. I've hated them for ages, ever since they started making them. I don't want a site for twelve year olds - and that's what it looks like, with the big icons and the big text, separate sections for everything as though we're incapable of finding things that don't have a big arrow pointed to them. Last I checked I was capable of motor control and didn't have to have every link image two inches by two inches just so I'd be able to move the mouse there and click on it.

I do like GJ's notifications feature - you click on "Notifications" in the sidebar menu and it loads a page that has all replies made to you, whether they were on one of your own posts or not, which is useful when I'm on a public computer and don't have my email (since I use POP) or if it's not emailing the comments for some reason. LJ's comment section rather pales in comparison.
i had a bunch of vag pictures hosted on gj, thinking they would be safe there because they didnt break any laws, but they all got deleted without a word :(

thats why im here and not there
Had you been idle on GJ for a while? All of my icons over there got deleted because my accounts idled. They apparently do that from time to time, but they won't say how long a time-frame an account has to stay idle before that'll happen.

What good are 2000 picture slots if, after being out of town/netless/in the hospital/whatever for a few months or something, you have to reload them all again? I definitely prefer IJ. Anyone who saved up for an LJ Permanent Account can buy five of them over here while they're waiting for LJ to get off their butts and sell their version.
i was idle! a couple months

but it looked like they left all the nonobscene ikons and deleted anything nude

that sounds like bullshit

i think we made the right choice over here :)
OH! *frowns and chomps the Ikon eating monsters* The obscene ones are the bestest! Especially if they are nekkid women ;-)

*Tilts head* haven't I seen you somewhere? You aren't on bdsm-snark, are you?
nope :)
I'd love for that comm to move over here, too. XD
What good are 2000 icon slots if you can only upload one at a time and have to load the entire page to get to the upload box because they put it at the bottom, for that matter...? ;)
Yeah, the one or two things I like about GJ are definitely not enough to keep me there. There's absolutely NO transparency in what the staff are doing, the system regularly loses icons...
it seems heartless and soulless, a place like photobucket
I don't know anyone who likes the new layout @LJ though it only needs to be on your screen a few seconds. I mean let's face it anyone who wants to be looking over your shoulder at a public computer is going to sneak a look at your friends page or whatever you're looking at including IJ.