[info]sagami in [info]07refugees

Linking to suspension-worthy material

I came across this post talking about how posting a link to suspension-worthy material might get you suspended too (unless you removed the link).

A second thing that's quite interesting: yourlibrarian posted here that some feeds above 300kb will not be synced on InsaneJournal because it goes over the limit. So if your feeds aren't working, you might want to check this out.


Psst -- it's [info]yourlibrarian ;)
^^; How embarrassing. I'll get it changed right away. Thanks for letting me know.
Wow. Nice. So.

Owing to the six degrees of separation principle, then (reaching, yah, but hey, its LJ - and, heh, Six Apart, after all), all links theroretically lead, within 6 easy clicks, to definitely illegal hard core CP. Ergo, all links ought be left out of posts, mhm.

[Off topic, but I wonder if, by the time Six Apart goes for that main IPO, whether they will have renamed themselves Fall Apart.]
See, the thing is, though, that a lot of people are concerned over this issue for the wrong reason. For instance, I am posting strictly at IJ now and merely linking that content to GJ and LJ. I've made that statement in both my personal journal on LJ and a few comms I mod and people immediately alerted me to this. While I appreciate the sentiment behind the scare, to my mind it is far better to have a link deleted than the content itself. And if LJ is going to delete/suspend my account on LJ for a link to content that I would have posted in whole there, they're going to delete/suspend me for HOSTING that content as well. So, this way I at least have the safety of knowing that as long as the content is hosted on IJ, the content itself won't go away.
This is getting ridiculous.

It was bad enough that I, being British, can't write about British teenagers in Britain having sex that is perfectly legal under British law, but OK LJ is in America I can kind of understand that. But if I host the fic on a British server it's still going to get me banned?

I have been boggling over the linking thing since last night. Look, they don't want ANY possibly objectionable material. Fine. I understand that. They went about it the wrong way but they have the right to declare they don't want it on their servers. But no linking to possibly objectionable material? That makes no sense.
I wonder if the same standards apply if someone is linking to something objectionable to say "Look at this. I can't believe this is posted publicly on the internet. It's disgusting. Let's protest it. Think of the children!"